View Full Version : New member here with big problem.

06-26-2008, 02:14 PM

I got a brand new scion tC that I waxed a good bit a week ago. Three times on the hood, and 1 time rest of the body. Come a few days later, my dad was washing his car and apparently his dirt water must of gotten on to my car and now there are white puddy looking swirls(Etching? or thats what is according to the Etching - Paint etching is a common problem caused by hard water (tap water) or acidic water (acid rain). Bird droppings are another common cause of paint etching. Depending on the severity of the etching, polishing will repair or lessen the appearance of etched spots.") on my hood and some on the sides. At first I thought this was just dirt so I try to rinse it off but that didn`t work so then I try some soap but that didn`t work too well either it just took a little bit of the swirl away( i tried it on a small area, knowing that you`re not suppose to use soap on car paints. ) So now today I tried to go to a car wash and they ask me 89.99 for an acid wash+polish and I`m here going *** :wow:. Needless to say I left, with my swirl ridden car. I asked people on scionlife.com and a guy messaged me to go to here for advice on car maintainence. I tried to search but I didn`t come up with much except a few thread with very few replies to question similar to mine.

Is my car`s paint totally screwed? This is a 2008 scion tC so its practically brand new that I put under my garage everyday.

One thing I`d like to add to the detail of my dillemma is that today when I was spraying with some water I noticed that 5 minutes after spraying the part I sprayed formed white crusty things, I manage to get them away but it is very sticky. This thing looks very similar to my Meguiar Gold Wax. So could it be that I waxed my car that caused this with water? But this isn`t right though because after I waxed my car and put some water on it the water beads rolled down real smooth but now its totally different.

Please help me out thanks. Oh god please don`t tell me I have to spend 89.99 for a car wash.

06-26-2008, 02:22 PM
pictures are needed.

06-26-2008, 02:22 PM
Please help me out thanks.

i`d suggest posting a picture ASAP, you`ll get more and better answers if the very helpful folks here can understand the problem better.

Purewatre Dzine
06-26-2008, 04:36 PM
Put the car in daylight. Get a good camera, and take some pictures.

06-26-2008, 04:53 PM
To the OP--

What you`re describing isn`t swirling. I`m assuming there`s swirling there, but splashing soapy water onto a surface won`t cause swirling.

Swirls are fine, circular scratches in the paint--usually caused by improper washing.

As for the sticky spots on the paint--it sounds like the car got DOUSED with soapy water (was he washing w/ Dawn?) and was allowed to sit on the sun and dry.

When the car was re-washed, the soap re-sudsed.

I`m very confused by your post.

06-26-2008, 05:07 PM
Sounds like water etching/spotting but we need pictures to help you more.

06-26-2008, 05:12 PM
Probably fixable, and with something other than a pricey "car wash"

06-26-2008, 06:38 PM
To the OP--

What you`re describing isn`t swirling. I`m assuming there`s swirling there, but splashing soapy water onto a surface won`t cause swirling.

Swirls are fine, circular scratches in the paint--usually caused by improper washing.

As for the sticky spots on the paint--it sounds like the car got DOUSED with soapy water (was he washing w/ Dawn?) and was allowed to sit on the sun and dry.

When the car was re-washed, the soap re-sudsed.

I`m very confused by your post.

Actually he was washing with regular hand soap(lol) and he was spraying it off and I think some got onto mine, and yes it was hot and sunny that day. I can`t get pictures today but definitely tomorrow since its night time and there is a dark storm outside.

This is a brand new car so I`m hoping its nothing big.

06-26-2008, 08:15 PM
Actually he was washing with regular hand soap(lol) and he was spraying it off and I think some got onto mine, and yes it was hot and sunny that day. I can`t get pictures today but definitely tomorrow since its night time and there is a dark storm outside.

This is a brand new car so I`m hoping its nothing big.

Wow. :scared:

So basically, hand soap baked into your paint and isn`t quite ready to come out.

I`d say wash the thing w/ Dawn to strip everything off of it (or get some Turtle Wax Ice Liquid Claybar--that is a great stripper). (only use Dawn when you want to strip wax off of your car. Use a good automotive soap the rest of the time)

Rinse the crap out of it and do the normal regimen (paint cleaner, wax, whatever else in between if you like).

All is not lost. I`m sure it`ll take much more than hand soap to ruin your cars finish permanently.

In the meantime, go to a store and buy your dad some proper car wash soap. :nono

06-27-2008, 09:10 AM
Good news I finally manage to get it out by going to a much cheaper car wash. Sorry to make a big deal but it seriously looked like my car was dying. The guy said its mainly calcium deposits from the hard water and such. Thanks for all the prompt replies guys, and my last question is whether I need to rewax my car again after the car wash. I mean the car looks resplendent but there is more to the outside as we all know.