View Full Version : Underhood detail gone horribly, horribly wrong....

06-23-2008, 07:02 PM
Last summer I cleaned and `protected` the engine bay in my 2002 WRX, the car had around 55k on it. At that point the engine compartment looked cleaner than most demo cars on a dealers lot - very VERY clean and tidy, mostly like new with a bit of dust. I simply wiped it down with damp microfiber cloth with each wash and used Aero303 once a year on the plastic and rubber.

For the detail I used P21S Total Auto Wash as instructed, then applied Sonus Trim & Motor Kote and instantly hated the results. The rubber and plastic pieces looked faded and worn after cleaning, like an old unkept car. The trim & motor kote left a built up looking finish and was very tacky after drying.

Fast forward to this spring (or winter when the weather broke enough to look under the hood)...it looks like an incredible POS now - old, weathered, abused, poorly maintained. Dry rot looking rubber, faded and pathetic plastic, pitted and disgusting aluminum, and the paint under hood (which had NO Total Wash or Trim Kote applied) is stained. Hoses, lies, and fittings now look like I never cared the care, no - they look like I abused the car. Everything still feels a bit tacky and holds dirt and grime better than a new sweater holds cat hair.

What went wrong???? I guess the factory coatings should just be left alone.

I am so incredibly disappointed with myself. I`ve cared for this car to the point it strained personal relationships, seriously, and now it`s become a turd because I thought I was doing something to make it better and failed.

Short of replacing garbage looking components, is there anything I can do to salvage the appearance and protection of my engine bay?????? :soscared:

06-23-2008, 08:17 PM

what more can we say???

06-24-2008, 01:26 AM
Try removing everything you can with the P21S Total Auto wash. Then follow it up with an applicaiton fo CD-2 engine detailer. I`m betting you`ll be *very* pleased with the results. :)

Eliot Ness
06-24-2008, 06:50 AM
+ 1 on the CD2.

I remember reading where some weren`t too pleased with the Sonus Kote and a search found a thread where DavidB (who sold the product) recommended a good engine degreaser to remove the Sonus Trim & Motor Kote:


I really doubt that you did any permanent damage but you might need to use some brushes to gently agitate the P21S TAW or engine degreaser if the TAW doesn`t remove it.

The Trim & Motor Kote seems like a product that some seem to love but a few have pretty bad experiences with it. OTOH, I`ve yet to read where someone did not like CD-2:



06-24-2008, 08:34 AM
CD2 has made me more than happy and made customers extrememly happy. All I usually use is Zep orange degreaser with a little water and then the CD2 and the engines come out great.

06-25-2008, 07:06 PM
Okay, I was blaming the Total Auto Wash for bleaching out the plastic and rubber pieces. The factory protective coating on this Subaru should have been left untouched, it was doing a great job with the aluminum pieces.

And sorry on the TTIWWOP - It`s a challenge enough to take time to post on a forum!

06-25-2008, 09:32 PM
Ive never had troubles detailing engines with megs APC+ or super D then coating them with hyper dressing. :)

06-26-2008, 12:03 AM
Wow, I`m glad you posted this. I have a brand new bottle of that Motor Kote and Trim stuff and was about to go at it on my 04WRX some time in July. I guess I`ll have to stick with using it only on my splash guards.

06-26-2008, 11:40 AM
Huh...on my two Subies (including my `02 WRX, at least IIRC it was an `02 :think: ) I cleaned the underhood areas with TAW (or was it EFHI :confused: ) and then used various products like 303, metal polishes, AIO, BF, 476S...whatever seemed like the right product for the component in question. I then did a quickie wipe/etc. at every wash and things stayed nice for a long, long time.

06-26-2008, 12:40 PM
I am so incredibly disappointed with myself. I`ve cared for this car to the point it strained personal relationships, seriously, and now it`s become a turd because I thought I was doing something to make it better and failed.


That`s part of the learning process. Has happened to me a fair few times in a variety of ways.

Take heart though, you will know next time.

06-26-2008, 12:51 PM
(... at least IIRC it was an `02 :think: )

How to know when you`re a confirmed automotive addict. :D

06-27-2008, 06:34 AM
CD2 CD2 CD2, thata all I can say

06-27-2008, 11:11 AM
CD2 is God`s gift to engine details. Open hood, spray engine, close hood, drive happy.