View Full Version : How much leather conditioner to apply?

06-13-2008, 11:37 AM
I bought a bottle of Einszett Lederpflege for my 2003 BMW 325Ci. How do I know how much of the stuff to apply? The leather just seems to drink it up. The bottle says to wipe it on and then buff off the excess, but there is very little excess. After I let it sit for a minute, there is no oil or anything left on the seats.

Does this mean the leather is under-conditioned? I usually condition it every 4-6 months, but this is the first time I`m using 1Z (instead of Spinneybeck).

06-13-2008, 11:50 AM
I can`t help you with your question but I`m sure one of the pros will chime in soon. But are you applying the conditioner by hand? I saw another member on here that did it that way and I was wondering if that is the best way?

06-13-2008, 11:54 AM
I can`t help you with your question but I`m sure one of the pros will chime in soon. But are you applying the conditioner by hand? I saw another member on here that did it that way and I was wondering if that is the best way?

I wear gloves when applying conditioner that way I apply enough without having to use more product that gets soaked into an applicator. One healthy application is more than enough. These products are more than often waterbased so they tend to evaporate a bit while absorbing to an extent.

06-13-2008, 12:41 PM
Apply it in thin layers.

06-14-2008, 04:05 AM
Leather `conditioners` generally speaking cannot get through the finish and pigment on the surface of the leather so never reach the leather itself. The leather cannot be `drinking up` the conditioner therefore what tyou are seeing is very rapid evaporation of the chemicals in the products.

The only `conditioner` a leather needs is moisture. Far better to use a water based protector which will help look after the finish on the leather and help rehydrate the leather.

06-14-2008, 10:45 AM
What D & D said, thin layers. And not many. less is better than too much.

And it does reach the leather, to some degree anyway. It`s not just evaporation, unless you`re in one of the hotter parts of the country. But not Massachusetts I wouldn`t think. Just out of curiosity, try putting a few drops of water on the seats, and see if it turns dark. If it does, you`re looking at aniline or semi-aniline or the finish is wearing off; meaning that it is eating up the conditioner. That`s still not a bad thing; just explains why you`re using more than you`d like to.

06-14-2008, 11:53 AM
Aniline and semi aniline (!) very rare in modern cars and cracking of pigment to the extent where it was absorbing product would be very obvious.

06-14-2008, 11:55 PM
Well it`s not just evaporating into thin air!

06-15-2008, 02:04 AM
I read your post a little while ago and decided to do a little experiment. Here is what happened.

First, I grabbed a piece of glass and cleaned it with alcohol. Then applied a drop of Pinnacle Leather Conditioner


I put my finger in a plastic bag and rubbed the conditioner around for about 20 seconds. By the time I went to take the picture it had already started evaporating.


Here it is after sitting for only 1 min. Pretty big difference there.


After 2 min.


And after 3 min. As you can see its pretty much all gone, but left a VERY faint residue behind.


So I tried it again, but this time I used Leather Master`s Leather Vital. Again, I cleaned the glass with alcohol. And applied a drop of LM.


Spread it around for about 20 sec.


After 1 min.


After 2 min.


After 3 min.


After 4 min. As you can see, LM did not evaporate nearly as fast or as much as Pinnacle. I also rubbed the remaining residue with my finger still inside the bag and the residue was very sticky.


Not too sure what to make of this. Obviously these leather conditioners evaporate pretty quickly. So there isn`t much time for them to absorb into the leather either way. I still wonder why the leather feels softer and usually has a darker appearance after applying a conditioner? Id imagine some of it must get absorbed and the rest really does just evaporate.

Oh, and hopefully this was a good experiment and actually shows something worth while. If not, then dont be too harsh, its 4am. :faint: