View Full Version : Question About Detailing in the Sun

06-13-2008, 11:32 AM

I know it`s not good to wash/detail your car in the sun, but I`m wondering what about if it`s not that hot of a day, still sunny though, and my car is white. When I touch the paint it`s cool to touch. Would it be ok if I wash/detail my car?




06-13-2008, 12:28 PM
Sun is especially hot here in southern Ohio. I did a black Pontiac G6 yesterday. Had no choice but to wash it out in the sun. I kept it wet as I could and got the soap off as fast as I could. As soon as I was done I pulled it inside. If it wasn`t so filthy I wouldve just used ONR inside.

06-13-2008, 12:32 PM
no way in Florida. the water dries literally in seconds and makes instant water spots...I mean like the kind that don`t just come off with a QD. I`m talkin tough spots.

06-13-2008, 12:38 PM
I carry a pop up canopy with me all the time. It`s real fast and easy to set up and definitely worth carrying around.

06-14-2008, 10:10 PM
So in other words it`ll be okay for me to? Even when its around 25 C here (Canadian temperature reading, sorry) I touch my car and its cool, not hot at all.

06-14-2008, 10:40 PM
So in other words it`ll be okay for me to? Even when its around 25 C here (Canadian temperature reading, sorry) I touch my car and its cool, not hot at all.

Should be OK. What will happen is it increases the possibility of water-spotting and, if left unattended, will etch your paint. Etchings can be difficult to remove. It will also change the way certain products react, as well. For example, Menzerna will dust more often when used in the sun.

Just make sure you`re quick about it. Is there no shade anywhere?

06-15-2008, 08:02 PM
Not sure how much detailing your doing, but how about working at dawn or dusk? This time of year there is a couple of good hours there without direct sun.

06-16-2008, 07:09 AM
My general rule is if the paint is cool to the touch, then I don`t worry about it too much. If I am washing in the sun and the car is cool, I will still try and hurry because the sun does dry the water faster.

Roishe Cheng
06-16-2008, 07:24 AM
I do all my work outside because my garage is too small to get a car in there and have all of my supplies around. I detailed a 2006 G35x last week when NYC was in heatwave conditions. Ambient temps were 95-98F, the panels were well over 100F, no problems. I use pad lubricant to keep the polish wetter and it does just fine. I have a helper that works with me so drying the car is a lot faster but we didn`t have to rush to avoid water spots. I use CGCW which claims not to leave water spots so perhaps that helps a bit?

06-16-2008, 08:06 AM
My garage is not wide enough for me to do my detail work so I have to do it in the driveway. Unfortunately, I have tree for shade or anything. I try to do my detail work when its cloudy and my washing whenever.

Thanks everyone. That was extremely helpful.

06-16-2008, 08:27 AM
I`m in the same situation. I don`t have a garage and no large enough trees for shade. I think I`m gonna start detailing my exterior at night. TN is too hot.