View Full Version : What do you guys think?

06-11-2008, 09:43 AM
I figured I`d come to the experts to get an answer on this. Yesterday took my 08 Black Vette to the dealer for an oil change. While looking around I was approached by their aftermarket sales guy who showed me a service they offer called Quantum Sealant Service. He says it`s warranted for 5 yrs and it covers the paint, leather and interior.Also the leather treatment is suppose to guard against cuts ect. He showed me a Mag Red Vette they had done that day and fellas the paint looked like it was still wet. The price for this is $599. Is this worth it or is this some more dealer hype. This particular guy has always treated me right as I`ve bought four Vette from them. This stuff is to be good for acid rain, bird droppings, grafitti ect.

Eisen Hulk
06-11-2008, 09:51 AM
What is he doing, putting Kevlar over the seats?

Sounds like BS to me.

I figured I`d come to the experts to get an answer on this. Yesterday took my 08 Black Vette to the dealer for an oil change. While looking around I was approached by their aftermarket sales guy who showed me a service they offer called Quantum Sealant Service. He says it`s warranted for 5 yrs and it covers the paint, leather and interior.Also the leather treatment is suppose to guard against cuts ect. He showed me a Mag Red Vette they had done that day and fellas the paint looked like it was still wet. The price for this is $599. Is this worth it or is this some more dealer hype. This particular guy has always treated me right as I`ve bought four Vette from them. This stuff is to be good for acid rain, bird droppings, grafitti ect.

the other pc
06-11-2008, 10:10 AM
Hi leonm47, :welcome to Autopia.

The subject of dealer “protection packages†comes up quite a bit around here. Here’s one such thread (http://www.autopia.org/forum/car-detailing/85037-dealer-paint-protection.html) from a while back.

The bottom line is that they aren’t anything special as far as the chemicals go. They’re primarily an insurance policy.

Most cars will hold up fine for five years if you do absolutely nothing to them. So it’s no big deal to make the claim “last five years, we guarantee it!†They’re just taking your money and betting the odds.

For people who’d rather have the “pease of mind†of insurance than cash in their pocket it’s a reasonable product. (Not surprisingly, most folks here want to take personal responsibility for their car’s finish and believe the whole thing’s a big waste of money.)

The part about a “treatment†guarding against cuts is just idiotic.

Maybe the sales guy actually believes the hype and isn’t deliberately blowing smoke up your tailpipe. Then again, maybe he’s aware that these packages have enormous profit margins (often higher than the whole rest of the car) and that he’s going to pocket a big chunk of it.


06-11-2008, 10:10 AM
Is this a one time deal, or do you come back on occasion to get the products reapplied? If this is a one time deal, I`m going to have to raise the BS flag. I`ve never heard of anything on leather that resists cuts either. Don`t buy into the hype. Dealers always have a new trick up their sleeve, like the coatings that you never have to wax.

06-11-2008, 10:32 AM
Don`t waste your money.

It won`t last 5 years without being reaplied regularly.

And nothing will protect against bird droppings.

Just spend $50 bucks and buy a claybar and some good sealant and wash, clay it, then throw on a couple coats of the sealant and then reseal it every 4-6 months.

It will only cost you a few hours a year.


06-11-2008, 10:35 AM
$599 could get you so much more than what he`s offering. In fact, $599 can get you quite a lot of detailing supplies that could quite possibly last you longer than 5 years. Good luck.

06-11-2008, 10:40 AM
Don`t waste your money.

It won`t last 5 years without being reaplied regularly.

And nothing will protect against bird droppings.

Just spend $50 bucks and buy a claybar and some good sealant and wash, clay it, then throw on a couple coats of the sealant and then reseal it every 4-6 months.

It will only cost you a few hours a year.


I would have to agree with Josh. If any contaminants sit on your paint long enough they`ll go right through the wax/sealant. Especially bird poo and bugs.