View Full Version : How to Care for Shop Vac Filter?

06-04-2008, 04:54 PM
Hey fellas, i have a 6.5 HP Ridgid shop vac and am needing to do some maintenance on the filter...does anyone have any good tips to get it clean so that it can last its longest? Thanks in advance!

tom p.
06-04-2008, 05:01 PM
Do it have one of the washable Gore-Tex filters or something else?

06-04-2008, 05:11 PM
Well see thats the thing, there are different filters that are cleaned different ways it appears...from my search that is....and my owner`s manual says to shake it out outside but i was really wanting to deep clean it, i didnt know if soap would have any adverse effects because after all they are more or less just paper...i think it is something else

06-04-2008, 05:16 PM
ya the filters that come with the rigids are more less paper!

I shake mine out in the trash can and bang it on the sides to release the dirt in the pleats and then bang it out on the concrete some more. I then use my air compressor and blast out any remaining dirt inside and outside!

Hope this helps!

06-04-2008, 05:23 PM
lol yeah i just didnt want to have to replace it so soon by cleaning improperly so i just shook it out outside for now..and yes it did help thanks! Keep em comin!

06-04-2008, 06:29 PM
just toss it in the trash!

then add a hose to the inside of the inlet

fill with water to just above the end of the hose

it will filter better and give you more power!

if you are not going to empty it every few days

add a little bleach to stop things from growing

06-04-2008, 09:01 PM
I usually spray my shop vac filter out with a water hose. Never had any problems.

06-04-2008, 09:43 PM
I have the Ridgid WD1450 model. I just shake the snot out of it then take a stiff brush to it along with the folds then shake the snot out of it again. It gets it pretty clean. I`ve been using it for my Jeep and for all the little house remodeling including sanding a hardwood floor. Oh and I even use it to clean up my garage floor since I track in a lot of gravel off my driveway.

06-04-2008, 09:46 PM
Just went online and downloaded the manual for mine. For filter cleaning in my model it states...

Cleaning A Dry Filter

NOTE: For best cleaning results due to accumulated dust, clean the filter in an open area. Cleaning SHOULD be done outdoors and not in the living quarters.

1. Remove filter from vac. Gently tap filter against the inside wall of your dust drum. The debris will loosen and fall.

2. For thorough cleaning of dry filter with fine dust (no debris), run water through it as described under "Cleaning A Wet Filter".

Cleaning A Wet Filter

After filter is removed, run water through the filter from a hose or spigot. Take care that water pressure from the hose is not strong enough to damage filter.

Remember: To dry a filter quickly, reinstall the filter on the vac and allow the unit to run for approximately 10 minutes. The clean air rushing through the filter will dry it.

06-04-2008, 11:00 PM
I have a 12 gal 5.5HP Shopvac and I find I can buy disposable collection bags for the unit. I also have a foam pre-filter and using these things keep the core filter pretty clean for a very long time.

I bought a lot of bags for a good price (9 bags for $24) here:


I didn`t see Rigid listed however.