View Full Version : Detailer`s Pride Mild Swirl Eliminator

08-15-2005, 10:31 AM
I think my feelings about the quality of the Legacy paint is well documented at this point, but one thing I can say is that it sure does polish out easily. I made an appointment last week to leave my car at the dealership to have the ECU sent in to be reflashed and I wanted to have the car looking good when I dropped it off. Mainly what I wanted to do was get to know every scratch on the car so that I would know if new ones appeared when I got the car back. ;) On Saturday I spent a couple hours polishing the car with a new product that I haven`t tested yet. Since the swirls were fairly minor I used Detailer`s Pride Mild Swirl Eliminator (http://www.premiumautocare.com/dp-mild-swirl-eliminator.html). Since I was only dealing with minor swirls, I used a finishing pad with my Porter Cable 7424 on this job. No sense in using a canon to kill a mosquito.

This swirl remover by DP is actually pretty good. I was impressed with how fast it breaks down and begins to dust. If you haven`t ever used a polish by machine before, then what I mean by `dust` is that when the polish has broken down completely and is done cutting your paint, it will clump up and basically spit out all over the place. That is how you know you have worked the polish well enough and it is time to move on to another panel or reapply the polish to your pad. For polishes that don`t dust it is hard to know when you have worked it in well enough. Sometimes you don`t know if you still have swirls left because the polish was ineffective or if you just didn`t work it long enough. With this polish it is very easy to tell when you are done. It probably took less than 5 minutes per panel to have the polish do what it needs to do. For all the paint`s fault, I can honestly say that it polishes out easily. All it took was one application per panel to remove the swirls and leave a perfect shine behind.

Buffing the product off was a little tricky. My experience may not be typical since this was my first run with the product, but it seemed to smear a little when I was buffing it off. It could be because I was using too much product. Not knowing what the product was capable of may account for using too much and thus creating the smearing problem. It wasn`t a big deal though. I buffed it off as best as I could and then moved on to the next step. After polishing I used the Wolfgang pre-wax Polish Enhancer (http://www.premiumautocare.com/woprpoen16ou.html) as a base for the final step which would be the Wolfgang sealant. (http://www.premiumautocare.com/wodeglpase16.html) The pre-wax polish enhancer cleaned up the oils that were causing the streaking and that was that. After applying and buffing off the sealant I was treated to the perfect shine. I was just about to try out the Detailer`s Pride Suface Sheld (http://www.premiumautocare.com/dp-premium-surface-shield.html) this time, but I just love the Wolfgang look far too much. I am going to polish out and try this stuff on the loaner car the dealership gave me instead. ;) It`s the same color as my Legacy so it should give me a good idea of which look I prefer. It`s my first run with most of the Detailer`s Pride products, so I am definitely looking forward to the results. So far I`m not disappointed at all. This is exactly the type of quality I would expect from the company that brought the world Pinnacle and Wolfgang.

Pictures after this job wouldn`t look any better than the last time I polished out the car, (http://www.ocdetails.com/html/clear_guard.html) so I`m going to post those instead. I`ll get new pictures up after I test out the Surface Shield on the loaner car. ;)



08-15-2005, 01:59 PM
No sense in using a canon to kill a mosquito.
As an avid Monty Python fan I would have to disagree :-p :lol

As for the legacy, it looks great. Great shine with a nice amount of depth from what I can see. I like the BOXER badge, very fitting. Although the paint quality isn`t great let me ask you the most important question, how does it drive? :shift

08-15-2005, 02:16 PM
Well, according to AUTOWEEK (http://www.autoweek.com/article.cms?articleId=102657) it drives pretty well. :)

0-60 mph: 5.23 sec
0-100 km/h (62.1 mph): 5.86 sec
0-quarter-mile: 13.95 sec @97.5 mph

It is definitely 250 HP that you can feel. Of course, the car is at the dealership getting an update done to the ECU right now, so obviously it isn`t perfect. No regrets though. The paint isn`t such that I would take it off roading and expect to just polish out the scratches. Any scratch that you can see is one that can`t be polished out. It seems that everything goes right through the paint. Swirls are one thing, but do not let the paint get scratched. I`ve adapted my car care methods to accomodate what this car needs. I`m not worried about ruining it. :bigups I just pity the people who don`t know anything about car care who pick this car up and think its a new car and will stay looking new forever.

08-15-2005, 02:46 PM
I have also had very good results with DP mild swirl eliminator. It just took one pass with a megs polishing pad and the swirls were gone (PC). I also had a problem with the remaining oils left on the paint just washed it after I was done. Excellent product, recommend it to anyone. :bigups

08-16-2005, 08:18 AM
Nice review Anthony!

I found the DP Mild to have a high chemical cleaner content in it as well. I removed a lot of streaking and dullness from a gelcoat horse trailer that AIO wouldn`t touch.

Will this reflash add performance?

08-16-2005, 08:46 AM
Sean you used the Final polish which is different then the mild for the horse trailer.

08-16-2005, 10:33 AM
Hopefully it will just restore performance that is missing right now. It`s not really a performance upgrade though. It is warranty work that needs to be done to eliminate this stutter problem when the turbo surges for some stupid reason. Hopefully that will get fixed.

Here is the loaner after it was all cleaned up. I was pretty surprised at the amount of industrial fallout (http://www.ocdetails.com/html/clay_and_ifo.html) that was on the car. Just feeling the car was enough to tell me it needed to be clayed. Looking a little closer showed me that there was definitely a need for clay and a good paint cleaning. This is what IFO looks like on Regal Blue:


It is actually what IFO looks like on many pearl colors. It would be little brown rust dots on white and silver, but on other colors it is just some strange discoloration. You can feel the particle in the paint that causes it. If you don`t get this stuff off then you will not enjoy waxing your car. The particles will snag at the towel you use to buff it off and you`ll see the streaks from the `shadow` of the particle. Anyone who has waxed a car that is covered in this kind of stuff knows what I`m talking about. This car only has 3000 miles on it and it was in pretty bad need of care. If you haven`t clayed your car since you bought it, then chances are that it needs it.

Since I`m still playing with the Detailer`s Pride products I decided to continue. I didn`t bother with any swirl removal. I`m doing this out of the goodness of my heart and I don`t really feel like putting 4 hours into cleaning up a loaner car. I just wanted to see what the sealant looked like, so I clayed the car, preped with Final Finishing Polish (http://www.premiumautocare.com/dp-final-finishing-polish.html), and then sealed it with Premium Surface Shield. (http://www.premiumautocare.com/dp-premium-surface-shield.html) The finishing polish was a little streaky just like the swirl eliminator was, but it wasn`t as bad. Since I was going to go with the sealant next I figured it wasn`t that big of deal. The sealant was really easy to work with. It didn`t buff out as easily as Wolfgang, but it came close. The overall appearance of the car is very very nice. I don`t know if it would be my choice for Regal Blue, but I can definitely see how this would look awesome on silver and white. I`m going to try it on my wife`s champange Accord as soon as I get a chance.




08-16-2005, 11:04 AM
here is the car I used it on it was very nice and semmed to deepen the paint

The Fuzz
08-16-2005, 11:21 AM
:lol I just noticed the license plate number. So I take it 160 is the degree difference from your car and NAF stands for Not As Fun? :lmfao

08-16-2005, 11:32 AM
Thanks for the clarification Patrick.