View Full Version : Lazy Man`s Engine Detail

imported_User Name
06-03-2008, 08:14 AM
I`m not much for engine detailing, as I feel like it is just too much work, but the other day I decided to detaily my wife`s Honda CR-V. I did not take any before shots, but I`m going to attach the after shots.

The reason being, is because I am totally in love with Meguiars HyperDressing from the detailer line. Here was my process:

1. Spray engine with garden hose and light spray to remove any large dirt particles. (About 1 minute maybe less)

2. Spray Meg`s APC (diluted 10:1) over most areas. (less than a minute)

3. Agitate a few stubborn areas with brush. (3-4 minutes)

4. Rinse. (1-2 minutes)

5. Spray Meg`s Hyper Dressing (diluted 3:1 "Satin Finish"). (1 minutes).

6. Go over areas covered with HD with foam paint brush. (5 minutes).

Total time: About 15 minutes (give or take a few).

Now, I`m attaching these not because this is a great engine detail, but if you`re lazy to do the engine (like me), take solace in the fact that you can get it looking reasonably good with minimal effort and VERY little time.






06-03-2008, 08:19 AM
Nice! I don`t have the cojones to spray water in my engine bay, but I want my motor to look as clean as yours.

06-03-2008, 08:31 AM
Nice job. I too have had great results with Meg`s HD under the hood.

06-03-2008, 08:46 AM
wow that looks great

imported_User Name
06-03-2008, 08:55 AM
Nice job. I too have had great results with Meg`s HD under the hood.

Over at the Meg`s forum another poster basically said "spray on HD and leave"... and while I did a wee bit more than that, it was pretty close.

I really love the HyperDressing.

06-03-2008, 10:30 AM
Nice results.

Bruce B
06-03-2008, 10:34 AM
Looks great !

How old is car and how many miles ? Were you concerned with water getting into the wiring connections ? (my biggest fear of engine detailing)


06-03-2008, 10:55 AM
yea...I`ve always been ascared to spray water in there!

imported_User Name
06-03-2008, 11:44 AM
Looks great !

How old is car and how many miles ? Were you concerned with water getting into the wiring connections ? (my biggest fear of engine detailing)


As I said... I`m not much of an engine detail guy but I talked to a few friends how are professional detailers and some guys cover things some don`t cover a thing but the thing everyone universally agreed upon was to 1) be quick with the water and 2) not to use a "high pressure" rinse.

So, taking a bit of a leap of faith I used a regular garden hose and as little water as I thought I could get away with (but I still used enough to soak the engine a few times over).

I guess since it was my wife`s car if figured I`d just cross my fingers and hope for the best. I was also told to start the engine quickly after completion (which I did and there was NO problem at all). The wiring connections all seemed pretty much covered so I wasn`t too worried about them.

As for your other questions...

The car is almost 2 years old and has just under 20k miles. The engine was NOT very bad but had its fair share of grease built up (but nothing like you`d see on a 5 year, 80k mile type car).

06-03-2008, 12:00 PM
i`ve never used their APC under the hood but their super degreaser works like a champ...looks great though

imported_User Name
06-03-2008, 12:06 PM
I figured since a I did not have a ton of build up I didn`t need to go as strong as the super degreaser and opted for a 10:1 APC. It did a nice job and required minimal agitation. Although I have heard amazing things about the super degreaser... I`ll just have to let the engine get much worse!!! LOL

06-03-2008, 12:54 PM
Looks great. I always thought you were supposed to let completely dry before starting as to not cause any potential shorts and such. I have never started one while wet. I have done both covering and covering nothing at all and never had any problems at all. Older vehicles, I cover the distributor and coil and such. Newer vehicles I just go to it and cover nothing. They are usually sealed pretty good.

06-03-2008, 02:33 PM
thats pretty much how i do mine. doing that once twice a year makes it easy.

06-03-2008, 06:03 PM
Looks awesome. I use the same process, except I use my APC 4:1.

06-03-2008, 09:54 PM
Only trouble I`ve ever had was with older dodges like to not start when it gets damp around the engine.