View Full Version : Black haze on hood caused by burned paint?

05-28-2008, 09:14 PM
Hey I have a question for you guys.

I was detailing my vehicle today and there was a troubled spot I paid special attention too. Basically when I purchased my vehicle I asked the dealership to remove a scratch on the hood which when I went to take delivery, appeared to have some grey polish or something on there.

It appeared to me the scratch was removed so I thought it was just some dirt and I was happy up until I clayed my vehicle in January and I realised it was some touchup or some sort of compound they forgot to remove. I removed a good portion with my clay bar and even with ScratchX it appeared to be pulling it out quite well. The scratch which I thought was covered was becoming more clear and it appeared they did not remove the scratch. The scratch was in the clearcoat but I was not up to spend 3 hours with Scratch X to remove it.

Well today I finally got around to polishing my vehicle (and got my UDM; thanks eshine!) and I tried an orange pad with SSR 2.5 and it removed most of the greyish paint or compound they applied before but now it is apparent they placed it for another reason; it seems like there is some black haze being hidden. I tried a couple minutes with the orange pad and SSR 2.5 but it was unsucessful in remove it. I am wondering what it is. Here are the pics:




My belief right now is that it is a rotary burn mark w; the specific area is right on the middle of the hood and could probably generate alot of heat in a few seconds. Just want to see if it is something else and anyway to remove it.

Thanks and sorry for the long post.

05-29-2008, 08:26 AM
Man, My eyes are crossed from trying to see that. Your pics are somewhat out of focus except for that last one. Can you catch your fingernail on it? My guess would be that they tried wet sanding the scratch and went too deep into the primer coat. They probably then tried filling that in with touchup paint and then sanded it smooth again but the color was probably off which was why you noticed it. Now you probably removed the touch up job they did with your buffing. If that is the case you will prob need to re-spray the whole hood to get it perfect or have a good body shop match your paint and touch up/wetsand it and re-clear it again?

05-29-2008, 07:16 PM
Man, My eyes are crossed from trying to see that. Your pics are somewhat out of focus except for that last one. Can you catch your fingernail on it? My guess would be that they tried wet sanding the scratch and went too deep into the primer coat. They probably then tried filling that in with touchup paint and then sanded it smooth again but the color was probably off which was why you noticed it. Now you probably removed the touch up job they did with your buffing. If that is the case you will prob need to re-spray the whole hood to get it perfect or have a good body shop match your paint and touch up/wetsand it and re-clear it again?

Thanks for the advice; I think that is probably what happened. Wierd thing is the scratch is still in the clear; I can`t catch my nail in it. That was the original scratch; I got it out with SSR 2.5. I don`t know how they could have burned through my paint and still have the scratch there. I will probably get a quote on my hood when I get my new bumper.

Sorry; my camera also sucks; with the flash it distorts the image and any higher ISO than 100 and it will be blurry...

05-30-2008, 08:30 AM
I would go back to the dealership and show the effect it is had on your paint since they "attempted" to repair the scratch.. It looks like the area is very very thin... how they pulled that one off is beyond me.

05-30-2008, 12:09 PM
I would go back to the dealership and show the effect it is had on your paint since they "attempted" to repair the scratch.. It looks like the area is very very thin... how they pulled that one off is beyond me.

Yeah it is kinda ridiculous they ended up damaging the paint yet the scratch still remains!

It has been about a year since I purchased the car so I think they would just try to push it off as me burning it or something to that effect. I wasn`t happy with the dealership when I purchased the vehicle since they failed to repair many of the things we listed in the pre purchase agreement so I am pretty sure they won`t be much help now.

So is respraying the panel the only option in this case?

05-30-2008, 12:18 PM
Ah here are some pics of how it looked before; you can kinda see that area looks much different than the surrounding area:


05-30-2008, 04:24 PM
is it still covered under factory warranty? if so you could try another dealer?

05-30-2008, 05:45 PM
is it still covered under factory warranty? if so you could try another dealer?

The question is what would be under warranty? Corrosion is usually covered, but not something like this.

If I was the OP I wouldn`t take no for an answer from the dealership. You still have the invoice that they gave you after they fixed it right? Take it to them, show them the damage...do NOT tell them that you`ve tried to remedy it yourself (they`ll immediately blame you) and demand they fix it.

If they don`t, go up the ladder until you get satisfaction.

It may be a PITA but the time will be a lot cheaper than the price it`ll be to get it re-sprayed.

05-30-2008, 11:31 PM
The question is what would be under warranty? Corrosion is usually covered, but not something like this.

If I was the OP I wouldn`t take no for an answer from the dealership. You still have the invoice that they gave you after they fixed it right? Take it to them, show them the damage...do NOT tell them that you`ve tried to remedy it yourself (they`ll immediately blame you) and demand they fix it.

If they don`t, go up the ladder until you get satisfaction.

It may be a PITA but the time will be a lot cheaper than the price it`ll be to get it re-sprayed.

Corrosion is covered for 6 years but that usually only covers areas that has it under the paint and has not been exposed and I don`t think this is Infiniti`s fault by any means.

Thanks for the advice; it is a smaller dealership (not an Infiniti dealership) that deals mainly with higher end vehicles in the city but I will send them off an e-mail seeing if they might be willing to remedy the situation but I have pretty high doubts. I still have the original e-mail which clearly list what was suppose to be fixed before I took delivery of the vehicle but seeing how they defaulted on most of those promises before I even gave them the full amount; you can see why I would be pretty doubtful a year after the occasion.

I will go to a body shop and get an estimate and see what kinda price I am looking at. I am hoping it can be wetsanded out but I am really dumbfounded by what kind of damage is there.