View Full Version : Cleaned 2000 Grand AM Headlights

05-28-2008, 02:08 PM
this was my first attempt at cleaning headlights. the poor soul donor car was my moms

items used as I dont have a pc yet.

1000 grit 3m wet dry sand paper

2000 grit sand paper

MVP hand held polisher from wal mart (all my mom had )and included wool pad and foam pad. please dont pick on me to bad.

this was my first attempt at doing anything like this wet sanding. just did what all the videos has shown and what people has writen on this site about it.

but I think it wasnt half bad but I know it can be done better. gotta get that pc :buffing:

sanded the headlights down with the 1000g and then moved to the 2000 g. then put the plastic x on the wool pad and made a few passes on it. was amazed at how quick all the fine scratches went away. then moved to the green pad they had in the box. and after a few mar applications I was done.

before as I forgot to take a before pic. this one was taken at halloween


the after with a few hours of elbow grease


anyone have any tips on anything I did wrong. besides the mvp buffer :LOLOL

05-28-2008, 03:00 PM
They look good to me! :goodjob

You might want to invest in a PC. You could get even better results and not have to work as much.

05-28-2008, 03:10 PM
i am just need to get the funds. know with a pc would of been alot quicker. I was scared sanding on the headlights lol. feel more confindant doing it now.

05-28-2008, 05:04 PM
Looks great to me.

Frito Bandito
05-28-2008, 08:28 PM
Man, that`s good work. Especially without a PC!

05-28-2008, 09:58 PM
it still has some hazing becasue it was very oxidized here and there and sanding really wore my hands down. maybe I should of went with 800 grit then 1000 then 2000. but a PC would of really helped out alot. oh well its not perfect but atleast my mothers lights will accually light up the road and not look like someone with cataracts.

05-29-2008, 09:31 AM
Looks great to me!! You could have done it quicker with a PC.....but you didn`t have one and you made do with what you had!! Good job!!:bigups

Don`t be too scared about wetsanding the headlights. Stick with a 2000 or 3000 grit and don`t press too hard to start. Just keep double checking your work, polishing out the sanding marks and then starting over......gotta start somewhere right?

Way to go!!

05-30-2008, 09:22 AM
Looks great to me!! You could have done it quicker with a PC.....but you didn`t have one and you made do with what you had!! Good job!!:bigups

Don`t be too scared about wetsanding the headlights. Stick with a 2000 or 3000 grit and don`t press too hard to start. Just keep double checking your work, polishing out the sanding marks and then starting over......gotta start somewhere right?

Way to go!!

this is true made do with what I had and like I told my mom i cant do no worse than what they already look now. worse thing that can happen is we have to get new ones and thats what she was going to do in the first place. so now I saved her alot of money and I am happy with the outcome of it. I will get that pc and redo it next time I visit her and do her whole car