View Full Version : first time with the buffer

05-26-2008, 01:35 AM
this is the first time i used the buffer, im afraid to try the cutting pads and cream so i tried the polish and white pad for now.

i dont have any before pics

pc 7424

lc white pad

2 bucket wash with cheap turtle wax wash

clay bar

poor boys polish with sealant

nattys blue

first real detail since the weather has got nice

took me probaly 10 hours to do, splitting it up into 2 days, im pretty happy with the results, looks pretty wet and definetly made the paint smooth, i actually got a compliment from a co worker who randomly touched my door and said how smooth the paint was.

let me know how it looks, and what i can do to make it even better. im hooked on pc 7424, i cant wait to try paint correction.




05-26-2008, 10:10 AM
Welcome to the addiction!

05-26-2008, 10:11 AM
Great work. Looks nice and glossy. Love Platinum Grey on those VW`s.

05-26-2008, 10:41 AM
looks great! Welcome. :clap:

05-26-2008, 12:21 PM
thanks alot, i had the buffer for a year and was too afraid to try it, and convinced myself it was too much work, then for some reason i had an urge to try it