View Full Version : Xzlion Protection

05-24-2008, 04:46 PM
I am just curious, has anyone heard of, used, or brought this product. It was just applied to a car that was brought by a friend of mine and he asked my opinions on it. It is a full interior/exterior protector for approx $600.00.

Welcome to Xzilon (http://www.xzilon.com/index.php?pageId=35)

Disclaimer for BigJimZ28: I will admit that I did not do a search until after I posted ;)

There was one thread from 2006, so I just thought that I would let this ride to get the latest opinions. :)

Envious Eric
05-24-2008, 04:59 PM
i guess he gets a $100 detail if his interior gets stained or trashed, or if the exterior gets water spotted....at least that is what some lady told me she gets when I mentioned I do detail work...

05-24-2008, 05:00 PM
Absolute junk and stay away.

I was unfortunate and had to repolish a few cars that had this stuff on them and they were the biggets nightmares trying to remove them.

I had a customer last year who had bought a new Lambo and wanted me to polish it for him for a show. I had asked him what was last done to it and he said that they did do the 5 year Xzilion treatment on it and it did not look good at all. He said he had noticed all the chaulking of the paint on certain spots too and that was his main reason for having me do it.

I refused the job cause I just did not want deal with the stuff again. I learned the hard way, once you use pads to remove the stuff, throw them away. There is no washing the stuff out of the pads.

05-25-2008, 06:35 PM
There is a small market that Xzilon or 5Star makes sense for. My uncle has TERRIBLE arthritis in both of his hands. Washing his vette is painful enought and claying or polishing or waxing (by hand or machine) is simply out of the question. When he bought his Vette 4 years ago he decided to have it Xzilon treated by a Xzilon rep he knows as a B-day gift back when he bought it (back then I knew very little about detailing and could not advise him either way).

After 4 years, I have to say I am impressed. Does it look as good as a car cared for by an Autopian? Of course not. Does it look better than 95% of vettes that are only washed and occasionally waxed. Yes, it really does. My uncle is planning to have the Zxilon rep next year remove the Zxilon treatment and reapply it again. Since he is satisfied with the results, I guess I don`t blame him.

I personally don`t use Zxilon and probably never will since I don`t have any health issues making claying, polishing or other detailing activities prohibitively painful. If I did, I may consider buying some off Ebay (you can find it sometimes for about $100) and having a friend or family member apply it.

05-26-2008, 08:43 AM
Well I actually got to see the car that it was applied to, and it had a nice gloss, BUUUUTTTTT..... we go back to proper prep. This stuff was applied o a black CTS that was not clayed and also not buffed out. So the swirls just make the car look horrible. He said that he would like for me to correct it, but I do not want to touch it. I told him to have the dealer give me a call and I will back him up.

How do you sell an LSP to a customer for $600 without properly prepping a car? Get the customer to say yes.

05-26-2008, 12:12 PM
Well I actually got to see the car that it was applied to, and it had a nice gloos, BUUUUTTTTT..... we go back to proper prep. This stuff was applied o a black CTS that was not clayed and also not buffed out. So the swirls just make the car look horrible. He said that he would like for me to correct it, but I do not want to touch it. I told him to have the dealer give me a call and I will back him up.

How do you sell an LSP to a customer for $600 without properly prepping a car? Get the customer to say yes.

LOL, ain`t that the truth.

However, it does appear that this product at least has *some* value to it, unlike most of the dealer sold and applied "paint/interior protection packages" that they`ve been ripping people off for for years. If I could make as much money on a detail as dealers do selling new cars with their protection packages, I`d be a rich, rich man.