View Full Version : Di I need a pre-cleaner before Collinite 845?

05-22-2008, 08:45 PM
I am going to be doing my 08 Black VW Passat next weekend and I am using 1Z polishes and top off with Collinite 845, for its duability. My question is, do I need to do a pre-cleaner between the 1Z polishes and applying the Collinite 845?



05-22-2008, 10:47 PM
No, you sure don`t. To make sure you get rid of all the polish residue, wipe the car down with 50/50 Isopropyl Alcohol/water from a spray bottle. Just spray it and wipe it down with a clean MF.

If you still have some defects/swirls in the paint, you could use a "pre-cleaner" A.K.A. "Glaze" like Red Moose Machine Glaze, Menzerna Finishing Touch Glaze, P21S Gloss Enhancing Paintwork Cleanser, or Swissvax Cleaner Fluid. Any of these filling-type glazes will help hide any remaining defects/swirls, as well as give your paint a very nice gloss. Some people say that they will adversely effect the durability of whatever LSP you put on top (in your case Collinite), but others say they don`t effect durability.

If you`re looking for nice long durability, you`d probably be better off not using a glaze after your IPA wipedown. Just go straight to the Collinite.

05-23-2008, 09:42 AM
No, you sure don`t...

Correct. 845 works great on top of the waxes/etc. that 1Z leaves behind. SuperBee364 and I are in our usual state of complete agreement here..

To make sure you get rid of all the polish residue, wipe the car down with 50/50 Isopropyl Alcohol/water from a spray bottle. ..

If you still have some defects/swirls in the paint, you could use a "pre-cleaner" A.K.A. "Glaze".....

But here we *finally* get to disagree about something :nana: :chuckle:

I would never strip off the stuff the 1Z leaves behind with IPA/etc. I say "Leave it on there!" The "polish residue" in this case is a decent carnauba/synthetic wax mix that does a fair bit of concealing (just like a glaze). No problems at all IME putting 845 over top of it (and I do it pretty often).

Just work the 1Z sufficiently so it breaks down. You can often *over*work it to the point of it going dry/dusting without any problems (not that I`d try that on a black car). Buff off the residue (and curse all the dust..just a fair warning ;) ), then put the 845 on.

05-23-2008, 09:52 AM
Ah, good point Accumulator. I`m so used to having to do a 50/50 wipe after using Menz polishes... I should get out of the habbit of making that a blanket statement. :D Or at least pay attention to what product they`re using before LSP.

05-23-2008, 10:37 AM
Ah, good point Accumulator. I`m so used to having to do a 50/50 wipe after using Menz polishes... I should get out of the habbit of making that a blanket statement. :D Or at least pay attention to what product they`re using before LSP.

Or just stick with 1Z stuff :D Heh heh, sorry, couldn`t resist!

BTW, I hear that maybe you oughta be using PrepSol instead of just IPA for the Menzerna wipe-downs. The mystery-hologram-filling of 106 gives me the willies.

(I`ve seen it *first-hand*.. never gave it a moment`s thought until then, despite all the :argue about it. As I don`t use 106 I didn`t have a dog in that fight, so IMO I`m a properly dispassionate observer on the topic.)

05-23-2008, 10:41 AM
Good thought. There`s an auto-body supply store just down the street from me. Think I`ll go pick up a gallon of PrepSol today.

05-23-2008, 02:15 PM
I tried collinite on my moms Chevy Suburbans hood the other day after I washed it, I hand polish the hood with some Mothers Cleaner Wax, then Sonus SFX-3, and then some Collinite 845 just to test it out. I was impressed by how easily it spread. Just a tiny drop on my applicator pad did the whole hood with ease. Other products I have trouble with over-using product because it SAYS to use "a quarter sized amount for a hood" but yet half way into the hood the product starts to feel to dry so you put more on the pad. This stuff didn`t give me that problem at all. Good stuff.

05-24-2008, 11:38 AM
I tried collinite on my moms Chevy Suburbans hood the other day after I washed it, I hand polish the hood with some Mothers Cleaner Wax, then Sonus SFX-3, and then some Collinite 845 just to test it out. I was impressed by how easily it spread. Just a tiny drop on my applicator pad did the whole hood with ease. Other products I have trouble with over-using product because it SAYS to use "a quarter sized amount for a hood" but yet half way into the hood the product starts to feel to dry so you put more on the pad. This stuff didn`t give me that problem at all. Good stuff.

Glad to hear the 845 worked well for you.

Yeah, a lot of product-usage directions say to use too much and IMO people generally tend to do that anyhow. With most LSPs, I just use enough to keep the application pad moving smoothly; I`d rather add a tiny bit fairly often than put a big blob on the pad and do a huge area.

Interesting that use used the SFX-3 *after* the cleaner wax :think: I often advocate the cleaner wax/Collinite combo, even though it might not be "Autopian enough" for some people.