View Full Version : What do you think of Victoria Concours Red?

05-21-2008, 06:39 PM
I just bought a new car and want to take care of its paint. My car is silver and I have absolutely no experience with waxes. Of course I do not own a polisher and do intend to get one.

I am advised to use Victoria Deep Cleanse with Victoria Concourse Red. My main priorities are ease and speed of use. I do not want the shiniest car. I just want to protect the finish on my car.

Are these appropriate products for my needs?

05-22-2008, 05:27 AM
Great advice; the VWDC and the VCW are simply GREAT!

The Deep Cleanse is easy to work with. Use an applicator, work it in, remove. It will give you a fantastic base, very easily. However the Concours needs experience with fine carnaubas. You`ll need to know how to apply a really thin layer and don`t leave it on the surface more than 2-3 minutes, otherwise you`ll need a belt sander to take it off. Do an average sized panel and remove after a minute or two. If the panel is bigger (hood, roof etc.) divide it into smaller sections.

Results will be spectacular - the Concours is wonderful on silver. But take your time with these products they deserve it, as they are not intended for the hurried work. It`s natural waxing, not just "applying a chemical". It`s a more intimate, tactile experience - of course, I`m talking about doing it by bare hands.

green dimnd
05-22-2008, 05:57 AM
No doubt Victoria Wax products are excellent, top-quality products. But, since you say that you don`t have any experience and don`t want the "shiniest" car, (most of us don`t want shiny cars either, we want `em "wet like a deep pond"!) there might be better choices to start with. You don`t start wine tasting with the first growth Bordeaux bottles, you appreciate them more if you build up to them. Perhaps Collinite Insulator Wax No. 845 or Cleakote Carnauba or Meguiar`s #26 might be better choices. If your car is new, the only swirls will be the ones inflicted by the dealership. If they`re not too bad, you may not need a polisher (at least until you get hooked by this addiction). You will likely benefit from claying the surface though. To keep it looking good, your main concern should be proper washing technique (see the excellent Guide to Detailing section). Build up slowly and before you know it you`ll be rationalizing to yourself how $2,000 for Vintage is actually a great deal when you consider the lifetime refills!

05-22-2008, 07:39 AM
I got some two months ago and have used it on a few cars now. I does make the paint pop quite nicely, but for some reason when I put in on my G6 I seemed to loose some of the depth but the GM ivory color is a bit strange as well. Overall for the price it`s worth a try, I would give it an 8 out of 10.

05-22-2008, 07:50 AM
I have it and it certainly performs as advertised. It provides a beautiful appearance and is quite easy to apply and remove. I followed the recommended procedure of bare hand application and found that easy enough.

I would certainly give this product top marks. Where there are many other OTC products like Collinite 845 and Meg`s #26 I definitely feel the Victoria line are worth the price difference. If you want silver to POP I think Victoria will definitely do the job.