View Full Version : What do you do with sandstorm damage?

05-21-2008, 02:24 PM
A friend of mine picked up a 2005 black Jeep. Overall condition is excellent but of course it`s a swirl monster. This will take some time bringing it back to original paint condition.

The hood is covered with small "spotted" white dots if you go up to the car and look from 3 feet away. Not sure if the vehicle went through a sandstorm or some big windstorm. Looks like many micro paint ships (maybe 100).

Besides taking it to get resprayed and re-cleared is there anything that can be done to fill in the small chips? Any ideas how to tackle this?


05-21-2008, 02:50 PM
Not a whole lot. Sometimes they fill up with product and show up as really white, a good way to combat this is pressure wash after polishing and use a clear sealant product (OS or ZCS or Ultima).