View Full Version : Natty`s Blue over Carnauba Moose Wax ???

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05-13-2008, 11:45 PM
As the title states,

I would hate to have my almost brand new tub of Natty`s Blue sit all summer ..

How long would the durability be with this combo ?

Poli-Seal > Clearkote Carnauba Moose Wax

and then what effects if any if i topped this with Natty`s blue ?

or is the Natty `s blue layer over kill ?

thanks for suggestions

05-14-2008, 11:18 AM
I haven`t tried that combo myself as I don`t have either of those products. I`m not sure anyone here has either but I wouldn`t say it`s exactly overkill.

Just try it and let us know how it goes. :D

05-14-2008, 11:54 AM
From results I have seen, the look of CMW is very nice and would be on par with Natty`s Blue and probably pretty similar. It definitely wouldn`t hurt to apply the Natty`s but you may not see much improvement at all. It also is much less durable from what I have seen then the CMW which is great for a nuba. If you chose to layer, be sure the wash the car between layers to be sure to avoid smearing and wait at least 12-24 hrs.


05-14-2008, 11:56 AM
I would exchange the Carnuaba Moose with Vanilla Moose since you`re going for looks.

05-14-2008, 04:33 PM
Vanilla moose is not a LSP is it? I don`t think you can swap Vanilla moose for Carnuba Moose Wax.

05-14-2008, 04:38 PM
I like the looks of CMW better than NB. Plus, CMW has better durability. I just traded off my NB, as CMW made it obsolete in my arsenal.

05-14-2008, 09:41 PM
I like the looks of CMW better than NB. Plus, CMW has better durability. I just traded off my NB, as CMW made it obsolete in my arsenal.

Same here. CMW has much better depth. NB over top will add a touch more wetness though.

05-16-2008, 12:34 PM
thanks for the advice as usual, guys !!! I`ll be posting pics in the upcoming weeks. :woohoo:

05-16-2008, 01:16 PM
My idea was VM and Nattys.

05-16-2008, 02:38 PM
tried it didn`t like it as much as Poli Seal

05-29-2008, 07:02 AM
FYI: latest update

added another coat of natty`s blue and did not like the results.

so the finish has Carnauba Moose x 1 , Natty`s x 2

I find Carnauba Moose Wax better by itself.

The Natty`s Blue added a wee more `wetness` in only a few places. Overall, it `muted` the depth of the Carnauba Moose.

Overall, I`m going to recommend leaving Carnauba Moose on by itself and simply adding more layers of it instead of topping it with Nattys.

05-29-2008, 07:10 AM
Interesting experiment. I have always found that just CMW by itself was good enough. I would go as far as saying that it is the *best* wax I have used in that price range. I have Natty`s Blue as well, but it just sits on the back of the shelf.

Here are the looks I am getting from CMW---

http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/6340/p1040677hu8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6181/p1040688fs3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

05-29-2008, 08:20 AM
CMW is without question creates the deepest look of any product that I`ve ever used. I`ve used it on two black cars and the looks is awesome. I`ll probably just keep adding layers the next few months and top with Souveran and see what I get. For $20 I dont think there is a better looking wax on black (that`s the only color I`ve tried it on).

05-29-2008, 08:41 AM
I also tried a Souveran topper, and again didn`t like the finish.

It also "muted" the finish i thought.

So those 2 tubs are simply gonna sit for a LOOOOooong time.. :-)

05-29-2008, 08:47 AM
I love NB, but generally only use it on top of a sealant. I find it adds a ton of wetness and I really like it on bright reds and blues as it seems to darken those colors a wee bit. It`s definitely not durable, but I knew that before I bought it. CMW is awesome, and is a staple, particularly on dark colors when there`s only time for one LSP coat. Just my experience - I know it doesn`t do much to answer the initial question...which already seems to be answered anyway. :)