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05-12-2008, 10:22 AM
Does anyone have any experience with this product? I heard it was amazing but would like some info before I decide on purchasing.

How would in compare to Meg`s ASD?

05-12-2008, 03:02 PM
It`s a good product, basically a high-grade silicone oil with some cleaners. It works like most any silicone, in that it can make the trim look great. It will tend to darken trim a little and lasts a long time. I have used this and found it superior to other trim dressings including Stoner and Meguiars (though I have not used ASD). I prefer Werkstat Satin Prot for exterior trim because it looks about as good, lasts as long, is easier to apply, and leaves some traction on running boards (silicone will make them very slick). Black Wow looks slightly better IMO, but not by much. I`ve tried a lot of things on exterior trim and consider BW and SP to be the two best. I don`t think you can go wrong with either. There is also an Ultima product people like that I have not tried.

05-12-2008, 03:15 PM
Used it on my trim for over 2 months. Car is not garaged and it still looks good. Tried several trim treatments and BW is an awesome product.

05-14-2008, 02:52 AM
Can you add Polycharger?

05-14-2008, 03:39 AM
Haven`t tried Black WOW but Megs ASD lasts for one or two washes, can`t be worse than that.

05-14-2008, 04:10 AM
Super concentrated. only need a small pea for alot of trim. Works the best on plastic trim IMHO. here are some pics




05-14-2008, 05:26 AM
OK, I`m sold!

05-14-2008, 09:54 AM
Has anyone talk to the people that make it and ask them why such a small bottle for a the price there selling it. Wouldn`t it be cheaper to just keep applying such dressing for the 1/4 of the price. Like megs edurance tire gel.

05-14-2008, 09:57 AM
Has anyone talk to the people that make it and ask them why such a small bottle for a the price there selling it. Wouldn`t it be cheaper to just keep applying such dressing for the 1/4 of the price. Like megs edurance tire gel.

When you need a pea sized drop to do like half of your bumper`s black trim (to give a size example).. a 4oz container would probably last you a very long time.

It`s pricey for the size, sure. But I`m sure if you could break down a cost per application it would probably end up cheaper. Especially when you figure in longevity.

Eisen Hulk
05-14-2008, 10:11 AM
I have no experience with the aforementioned product, but I just wanted to touch on what Fluxy is saying.

I think people (Myself included) tend to use too much product with certain items, and then we complain that the company is charging too much. Again, I fall into this category. Being new to the detailing business, I`m still learning the ropes, and when the pros say, "A little goes a long way", they`re not joking. I/we need to realize that more isn`t always better.

Also, once you break down the cost per application like Fluxy said, the cost doesn`t seem as substantial.

Just my two Euros.

When you need a pea sized drop to do like half of your bumper`s black trim (to give a size example).. a 4oz container would probably last you a very long time.

It`s pricey for the size, sure. But I`m sure if you could break down a cost per application it would probably end up cheaper. Especially when you figure in longevity.

05-14-2008, 10:44 AM
Yeah, when you think about that one bottle having several hundred applications in it for 25 bucks, it`s not bad at all. And look at those pics! There`s also some pics on the Geek`s Black Wow page that are pretty impressive. I`m gonna order it from ADS, though, cause he`s in Phoenix and it only takes two days to get stuff from him. Well, that and I like to *not* order from the Geek whenever possible.

05-14-2008, 11:24 AM
I`m going to look for a deal on this stuff... :LOLOL

Ok, so ADS has the best deal on this stuff due to the extra goodies it comes with. Plus for me, there`s no sales tax and I can get it in a few days or so.

05-14-2008, 12:34 PM
I`m going to look for a deal on this stuff... :LOLOL

Ok, so ADS has the best deal on this stuff due to the extra goodies it comes with. Plus for me, there`s no sales tax and I can get it in a few days or so.

I coulda told you that. I`m a bargain hunter too. Shipping on ADS can be steep though.

I think I paid like 13 bucks for a single foam pad, a 32oz bottle of M105 and a Gilmour Foammaster w/ a 32oz soap promo and a meg`s wash mitt (last two items `free` with foammaster) and a meg`s sanding block.

05-14-2008, 12:40 PM
Who makes `Black Wow`? I`ve always used Mother`s Back to Black and have been happy with it, especially when I follow up with some 303.

Photo`s here of this stuff looks good too. Complaints about the price - how does the result/price compare with Mothers B2B?

05-14-2008, 12:42 PM
Who makes `Black Wow`? I`ve always used Mother`s Back to Black and have been happy with it, especially when I follow up with some 303.

Photo`s here of this stuff looks good too. Complaints about the price - how does the result/price compare with Mothers B2B?

SCD Black Wow the only exterior trim dressing you will ever need! (http://www.showcardetailing.com/bw/)