View Full Version : Polishing/restoring aluminum wheels?

05-03-2008, 03:34 PM
I have a customer whose aluminum wheels need brought back to life. Last year we got them looking great compared to what they were. We used Mother`s on them. Now after not being taken care of again they look nasty again. Really bad grime and brake dust inside the hard to reach openings. Kinda like a Mickey Thompson wheel with all the holes around it. What are you guys using to restore aluminum wheels and what machine? We used a powerball last time. Looking for something more to get them near perfect and put some SG on them or something. Thx. Mike.

05-04-2008, 08:36 AM
Anyone? Thx.

05-20-2012, 01:35 AM
To get them near perfect you gotta get them smooth as possible.

Depending on how bad they are you could start with heavy duty oven cleaner then start wet sanding. The lower you start the better the end results will be because you`ll get rid of more imperfections. You could start at 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, brasso polish by hand (literally use your bare thumb) then finish with mothers Mag & aluminum polish.

That`s if they`re absolutely terrible, otherwise just start with a higher grit wet sandpaper. It sounds like a lot of work.... because it is lol.

Hope I helped!