View Full Version : What are we using for proper washing procedure

05-03-2008, 10:39 AM
Quick Question,

I have been using Megs Wool Wash Mits for a couple of years now, but I notice that they leave few, but noticable swirl marks and micro marring. I`m pretty sure i am using the proper washing procedure. I read on the forum that the mits are too agressive for daily washing. I was just wondering what everyone is using and where they are buying them.


05-03-2008, 11:53 AM
Meguiars Micro fiber mitt or the wool mitt from walmart.

I bought a grout sponge but Ive yet to try it out.

05-03-2008, 12:13 PM

05-03-2008, 12:13 PM
grout sponge here.

although i really need to improve my drying method, the microfibers i use leave micromarring i can see on my paint in low light conditions

05-03-2008, 12:27 PM
If something is so coarse that it mars paint, I simply wouldn`t touch my paint with it. There are plenty of things that *don`t* mar paint that you can use instead.

Danspeed1- I use BHBs for the initial passes and then either sheepskin (from the Autopia store IIRC) and/or MF mitts. I CD-test before the initial use (and then from time to time) to make sure they`re safe to use. That takes the wash media issue out of the equation...any marring will be coming from dirt and/or wash technique.

[Insert usual foamgun lecture here ;) ]

If you`re concerned about your current mitt causing marring, I`d CD-test it (wet with shampoo mix). I always assume that most wash-induced marring comes from the technique/dirt instead of the wash medium, but you never know and some mitts *will* mar.

NCZ13- I`d CD test your drying media...if it`s simply too coarse to dry without marring I`d switch to something else. But again, the marring might be coming from dirt/etc. (still) on the paint instead of from the drying towel.

05-03-2008, 12:31 PM
that could be true... ill try the cd test on all my cloths today.