View Full Version : Waxing chrome cladded wheels

04-30-2008, 02:53 PM
As everyone can see by my post count, I`m new here. Great forum, I`ve learned alot already by reading all the threads.

Anyway, I am a hobbyist, doing my own cars and a few here and there for friends. Recently I did a late model Ford Explorer Limited with the dreaded chrome cladded wheels. The car was in good shape and after a thorough scrubbing and drying the wheels looked great. I would have liked to treat them with something but given that they are chrome plated plastic I was unsure how to proceed so I left them alone. Any suggestions on a product/


04-30-2008, 03:08 PM
any wax or sealant you have will be fine

it will make them easier to clean in the future

remeber if you use/need a APC or wheel cleaner

it will remove the wax/sealant...so stick to regular wash soap of you can

:welcome to autopia

04-30-2008, 07:22 PM
Thanks for the help!