View Full Version : What is your spring/anti pollen regiment?

04-20-2008, 07:25 PM
As the title says, what is your spring/anti pollen regiment?

I am sure we all know how bad pollen is on your cars finish and LSP.

What works best for you in the spring? I especially want to hear what people do that have cars that are outside 24X7 and are in the NE.

I think this is one of the worst times of the year for trying to keep your car looking nice. Pollen will land on your car every day and then we get light showers or the morning dew wetting the polish just enough to activate it. It will make short work out of even the best waxes and sealants on the market and it is very acidic and abrasive. It will etch you paint similar to bug guts or bird crap it left on the finish and mositened and will introduce major swirls if it is not removed properly (soap and water).

What regiment works best for you? Of course short of washing everyday. Do you use a special LSP this time of year? Remove it more often? Or just wait until spring is over and detail your car.

I usually end up polishing almost after every wash just to ensure I am protected.

04-20-2008, 08:01 PM
I use Zaino and 99% of the dust comes off on the highway... but for when it does get wet I just wash the next day and QD with Z-8 and its fine... not etching or scratching.

04-20-2008, 08:33 PM
Well, my car always has 3-4 layers of 3-4 different waxes & sealant when i get more to try so its always slick. Its daylight savings :woot: so at like 7-30 when the sun is going down, i just rinse it with like a jet setting then flood it with no attachment. And then i drive for about 2 min and the water flies off and i garage it. If im in the mood, i use E1 spray wax after that

04-20-2008, 08:35 PM
Why is pollen bad for your car? It`s not corrosive or something is it?

04-21-2008, 12:57 AM
I use Zaino and 99% of the dust comes off on the highway... but for when it does get wet I just wash the next day and QD with Z-8 and its fine... not etching or scratching.

Oh they forgot to tell me that zaino not only makes dust fall of of your car but protects against scratches too, despite the fact that many (like superbee) have stated that as far as LSPs go, zaino is actually not very good at releasing dirt.

Did you know that if you rub zaino on your face before you go out in the winter youll never catch a cold?

A teaspoon of Z-8 in your gas tank will improve your horsepower by 35% as well.

04-21-2008, 05:57 AM
Oh they forgot to tell me that zaino not only makes dust fall of of your car but protects against scratches too, despite the fact that many (like superbee) have stated that as far as LSPs go, zaino is actually not very good at releasing dirt.

Did you know that if you rub zaino on your face before you go out in the winter youll never catch a cold?

A teaspoon of Z-8 in your gas tank will improve your horsepower by 35% as well.

I heard that a bottle of Z-6 gives you a 15% increase in gas mileage. :laugh:

04-21-2008, 06:13 AM
Pollen season is pretty much done over here... haha.

04-21-2008, 07:07 AM
Why is pollen bad for your car? It`s not corrosive or something is it?

Pollen is VERY acidic when it gets wet (e.g. sun shower or morning dew).

It also looks like little fish hooks under a microscope and this is why it scratches if not removed properly and also the reason it irritates your nose.

Yes, so far I have found that Zaino works best. It is less oily than most products and less sticks to the finish.

Bruce B
04-21-2008, 11:33 AM
Pollen season won`t begin here for a couple of more weeks.

What I do is use a CCD (LIGHTLY) when I get home from work or after supper to keep dew from turning it into something that won`t dust off. Now I have a new weapon in my arsenal... ONR + grout sponge !

"I can quit anytime I want....I don`t care if my car, truck, whatever is dirty !"

04-21-2008, 01:45 PM
Pollen is VERY acidic when it gets wet (e.g. sun shower or morning dew).

It also looks like little fish hooks under a microscope and this is why it scratches if not removed properly and also the reason it irritates your nose.

Yes, so far I have found that Zaino works best. It is less oily than most products and less sticks to the finish.

Pollen is abrasive, but it is not very acidic. It can be neutral, slightly basic or slightly acidic.

02-12-2011, 11:25 AM
Well, it is still a little early but hopefully spring will be upon us soon so I figured I would resurrect this thread to see what people plan on using.

What do you find works best, Zaino, one of the Collonite products, 1000P just to name a few of the more durable products on the market or something else.

Or to be more general, do you think a nuba or a sealant will protect against the highly acidic properties of pollen.

I remember back when I was using #26 and I went away on vacation during the peak of pollen season I got home and apparently it had drizzled a few times on top of the dew and daily doses of pollen and the car just had a thick paste of pollen on it that did NOT want to come off. I actually had to wash it a few times and then go over it with a cleaner type product to remove all the residue. That said I did not have any permanent damage. Apparently the wax did do its job of protecting me but it was a major chore to clean up.

I also find with the Zaino on the finish less pollen seems to stick to the finish compared to a nuba and it will blow off easier when I drive but it still seems to put a hurting on the Zaino. I know there is NO magic bullet but was wondering what others do to help protect themselves during that horrible time of year for our LSP`s.

02-12-2011, 05:44 PM
My regiment us going to be any of the collinite products or what will likely be 1000P when I order it

02-12-2011, 06:45 PM
What I want to know is how to get the pollen/dust off without having to do a complete wash. Is it safe to use a QD spray on pollen/dust? I have found that my California Car Duster does leave some very fine scratches in the finish.

02-12-2011, 06:51 PM
Well if the clear is soft you can certainly put on a coating like cquartz or you can apply something like opti coat...

I think 1000P is said to have great dirty releasing ability so I`d think a solid coat of that with onr qd strength should keep things good... I`m sure some fk products are just as good among others though I`m not well versed as say...accumulator