View Full Version : Collinite for LSP + ZCS?

04-20-2008, 12:29 AM

Been detailing a black 89 Vette for the past couple of days. (pictures to follow shortly) The paint is in was in aweful condition (really bad repaint!) but I managed to get it into shape for the spring... enough to last until the paint job in July.

Here was the process so far...

Wash with dawn

Clay Magic

Wash with Megs Gold Class

Danase Swirl Abolisher III

Wash with Megs

4Star SMR


Question: I was going to use Collinite 845 as my LSP. Although it usually looks good it seems to offer limited protection with just one coat. Is this the type of product that I can layer (put more than 1 coat on)? If so, whats the recommended procedure?

I was thinking of also top coating the 845 with some Zaino ZCS. It offered really good protection on another car i did, but again, I had trouble with it attracting dust.

What do you guys think?


04-20-2008, 05:26 AM
Collinite 845 is a carnuba based wax, so layering it will only ensure you`ve covered every part of the car. That said I really like the look on darker cars...


04-20-2008, 10:25 AM
I couldn`t remember if you could layer Nuba waxes or not. I randomly picked up a magazine the other day while waiting at an office for an appointment. Griots ran this "How to properly detail a car article." They had this wierd prceedure for waxing a car. The article said to put a coat of wax on, leave the car out in the sun for an hour or so, and than put another coat of wax on the baked on wax. Then allow that coat to bake, and finally remove. Seemed like you`d never get it all off that way.

Would you top it with ZCS or just leave the 845 as the top coat?

Just wondering,