View Full Version : Are you a wax doctor? Then fix this

04-19-2008, 02:52 AM
Here`s the problem.

I live in country with 2 seasons, raining and dry seasons.

In raining seasons the main problem is dealing with acid rain and soil/mud since pollution is the biggest problem in big cities also cars get splattered by thick combo of water, tar, dirts and oil from the road.

In dry season, it`s incredibly hot, about 30-34C and very humid 80-95%.

Which wax or waxes combo (brand and type) will do the job to protect the above problem and last long as well?

Cure my problem, cheers

04-19-2008, 04:22 AM
In which country do you live?

04-19-2008, 06:43 AM
Sell the car and take mass transit

04-19-2008, 12:32 PM
Indonesia. Our mass transits are crap, sorry, that won`t work. Which is why we have over 5millions car in capital city, motorcycles are not double, even not triple that numbers. So polution and rain is great combo to ruin the car`s finish.

The city where I live has about 300-500.000 cars, motorcycles are in the millions, population is about 3-4 mils. It`s huge market for car detailer like me. I have tried meguiars #26, didnt last longer than 2 weeks. #21 not even 2 months, probably alot less than that. Zymol high end, not even 1 month. When I read wax claims "last for 6 months", I laugh at it. It doesn`t happen here.

Some of my customers do wash car every morning to keep it looks clean, dusts are just ridiculous if you dont have closed garage.

I am thinking about finish kare and collinite products. What do you say? any more alternatives?

04-19-2008, 01:19 PM
I`d probably go with collinite or a sealant like Duragloss 105.

Thomas Dekany
04-19-2008, 02:10 PM
FK1 #2180 topped with FK1 #1000.

04-19-2008, 05:32 PM
FK PINK WAX #2685 period