View Full Version : Everything streaks! Am I an idiot?

08-04-2005, 07:49 AM
I can`t seem to find anything to use on the interior, especially the dash, that doesn`t streak and look spotty to me. I`m tried PB NL and 303. I don`t want anything too shiney looking. I like the way both of these look, but I can`t seem to get them right. They look fine on the doors and other panels, but the dash always looks bad. I`ve tried applying it a number of different ways, and I always buff it back off with a clean MF.

Any ideas? Maybe I`m just stupid. :)


08-04-2005, 08:19 AM
try buffing with a damp cotton cloth;)

08-04-2005, 08:19 AM
No, I don`t think you`re stupid. I get streaks with NL too. I don`t spray it directly on the dash to avoid overspray, rather I evenly spray it on a folded MF and wipe. It`s difficult to get consistent application of the product on harder plastics such as dashes.

08-04-2005, 08:48 AM
It usually depends on the dash material, but streaks are common. Either dilute the product 1:4 (one part water, four parts NL,303) or buff with a damp rag. Trust me, it`s not the products you are using. IMO, NL and 303 are two of the top interior dressing products on the market.

You may also try the tiny circles method instead of back and forth. Hope this helps! :)

08-04-2005, 09:52 AM
I actually like using 303 and a foam applicator, just mist the pad lightly and spread it out evenly and wipe with a MF and no streaks. One other thing make sure your dash is not hot so the product does not dry before you can wipe it.

Bill D
08-04-2005, 09:57 AM
If the interior surfaces haven`t been cleaned, that may also be part of the problem. Sometimes a simple solution of 6:1 water:Woolite does the trick. Wipe the dash dry and then apply your dressings as the others have described.

Mr. Clean
08-04-2005, 10:12 AM
If the interior surfaces haven`t been cleaned, that may also be part of the problem...

Though I would suggest using a 10:1 water:APC over the Woolite option.

08-04-2005, 12:18 PM
I generally clean the dash with an APC and then apply my NL w/ a kitchen sponge.
So far (knock wood) I haven`t had any streaking issues.


08-04-2005, 03:30 PM
Lots of great ideas!

I`m going to try these tonight.

Thanks for the input guys.


08-04-2005, 03:48 PM
Interesting. I`ve got a hard plastic dash in my truck, soft in the car, and well, I`ve used the Natrual Look in both on all sorts of the interior with no streaking. I love the stuff. I just don`t bother using anything on the interior. I will sometimes spray it directly on, but usually I spray it on a terry cloth towel and wipe it on. I don`t even buff it back off as I`ve found that when completely dry, for me, it gives absolutely the look I want.

Do you get streaking using another product?