View Full Version : My wheel brushes are all grown up now

04-16-2008, 10:18 PM
Beside the SS mitts I use on all my wheels, I now have more brushes to add to err....my existing set.

This is purely subjective but I`ve always preferred SS mitts as my media of choice for wheel cleaning. These are usually old retired SS mitts that are not worthy of paint no more. Never a fan of a boars hair brush on the wheels. Maybe it`s just my technique but the plastic head of the brush has touched the wheels once too many times when I tried using that type of brush.

And yes....the baby sponge tools you see is much softer for my choice as a spoke brush than the EZ Detail brush. We`ll see how these Powersticks fare out now..

I`ve always wanted a more faster, efficient way of getting inside the wheels without cutting my hands up ....which have had it`s fair share of cuts on those pesky dust shields. I was a skeptic on the Powersticks but everyone that has owned one....sofar, has had nothing but +++++ experiences with them.


Ben Kenobi
04-16-2008, 10:36 PM
Nice brushes, have you ever tried a Tampico style one? I find they work much better than the nylon ones to clean both the spokes and barrel. For the face I love my Oxo or Meg`s soft wheel face brush. I also use an old SS mitt, have to get as much life out of them as possible.

Setec Astronomy
04-16-2008, 10:38 PM
Nice brushes, have you ever tried a Tampico style one? I find they work much better than the nylon ones to clean both the spokes and barrel.

Hmmph. I`m going to have to finally try one of those Meg`s wheel spoke brushes that I bought.

04-17-2008, 10:13 AM
Hmmph. I`m going to have to finally try one of those Meg`s wheel spoke brushes that I bought.

Don`t wear anything you remotely like when using those brushes - they tend to really fling the dust/wheel cleaner mixture when you pull them out of spokes.

Chefwong - looks like a nice set of brushes. Which cleaner are you using? I need to pick up a non-acid one for my collection.

04-17-2008, 10:30 AM
Don`t wear anything you remotely like when using those brushes - they tend to really fling the dust/wheel cleaner mixture when you pull them out of spokes.

Very true! ALL of my "detailing" t-shirts have stains on them from the brush. I try to be more careful but when I`m really working it`s easy to forget to pull the brush out slowly.

04-17-2008, 10:35 AM
Don`t wear anything you remotely like when using those brushes - they tend to really fling the dust/wheel cleaner mixture when you pull them out of spokes.

Haha, that`s the truth! My face and shirt look like a leopard by the time I`m done.

Setec Astronomy
04-17-2008, 10:35 AM
Don`t wear anything you remotely like when using those brushes - they tend to really fling the dust/wheel cleaner mixture when you pull them out of spokes.

I truly appreciate that warning. IIRC a.k.a. Patrick complained rather loudly about that brush.

04-17-2008, 03:34 PM
For wheels, I use 3 products. Summer wheels only see car wash solution every 2-3 days, and depending on how grimey they get (NYC roads are terrible), I usually reach for the P21S Gel every 3 weeks.

Winter wheels - if it`s powdercoat wheels, I use car wash soap if I get to it, and when it`s warm enough to wash, then I`m using APC 1:4. I don`t like using APC as much as some peeps do on wheels ....but that`s just me.

I can see how the Pro Detailers needs to use them on neglected customers wheels.....but I try to stay as mild as I can.

04-20-2008, 07:49 PM
I just used a Powerstick for the first time on my BMW and it is without a doubt the best wheel cleaner I have ever used. Just be sure to keep it wet