View Full Version : Help with Lake Country Pads

Young Scholar
04-15-2008, 11:49 PM
Good evening fellas,

Reading a few posts have me thinking twice about what I`m using for a pad. I`m wondering if I should switch things up. Everything is being a applied at speed 3 than broken down at 6.

The clear on my Jeep seems rock hard, Optimum Compound on an orange pad won`t touch the finish.

OC = LC Yellow Foam Pad

OP = LC White Pad

Then an LSP

I`m having some pretty serious hazing from the LC Yellow. I understand this may be user error, but I`m studied videos of polish and I`m sure I`m doing it right. Do you have any other recommendations. How does the Foamed Wool pad work, would that work better?

04-15-2008, 11:55 PM
If you are using a PC wool is pointless from what I have read. Another thing to remember, it will look worse before it looks better. When I use the yellow pad it takes away most of the swirls but leaves micro marring, the green or white pad should take care of that.