View Full Version : Washing Wax (?)

04-15-2008, 01:34 PM

I was wondering, which way of washing removes more wax: hand washing/rubbing with mitt or spraying the car with foam with 5 minute dwelling time? (of course both ways later rinsed with power washer).

Sometimes when the car is not very dirty, I can just spray some foam and rinse after 5 minutes, without any paint rubbing, and the car is clean.

So, just wondering, maybe that method removes more wax than washing/rubbing with mitt and shampoo?

04-15-2008, 01:59 PM
I don`t think you are really washing your car when you just cover it with foam.

Soap has a lot to do with it too. CWG is a harsh soap, while Gold glass (maxi suds,sss, ect..) is pretty soft on wax/sealant.

Power washers can be pretty harsh (remove wax) too...

04-15-2008, 02:15 PM
I find that it`s soap and level of dilution more than anything else. A foam gun with lightly diluted wax-friendly soap will not reduce LSP levels more than hand washing. You can dilute 2-3oz of soap in a gallon of water and then pour that into the foam gun, and it works fine.

A foam gun with more than 1oz of Z7, NXT, or another soap designed for a sealant system will tend to cut wax durability by 50% or more.

04-15-2008, 03:28 PM
Well, I actually don`t know how harsh my soap concentrate is... I`m European, so we don`t have same products as you guys have in US. I`m using a "Nerta" brand soap concentrate called "Nerta Carnet Jumbo", it`s specifications:


* Does not contain poisonous materials

* Not inflammable

* pH : 12,5

* Specific gravity : 1100

* Biodegradability : over 90%

On the label it says, for pressure washer make a solution of 1:25, and 1:10 if the car is very dirty. For washing by hand, solution of 1:100, so I guess it`s pretty harsh, isn`t it?

I did an experiment today, washed dusty wheels. I pressure washed one wheel only with water (but I used the strongest stream and sprayed from 3-4 inch distance) - the dried wheel remained dusty. On the other wheel I sprayed 1:10 "Nerta" soap, dwelled 5 mins, and just rinsed with fan setting - wheels are like new, no dust/dirt at all, and I haven`t even touched them.

However, the label says nothing about wax removal :(

I guess it is best to ask the shop assistant how friendly it is with wax...

04-15-2008, 04:14 PM
domas can`t you find something more popular? Sonax? Autoglym?

how much does your current soap cost?

04-15-2008, 05:13 PM
The "Nerta" (Belgium brand) costs approx $30 for 5 Liters of concentrate.

I actually wasn`t able to find more popular brands, I bet you can find 10 times more products in Greece than in Lithuania :(

04-16-2008, 04:01 AM
I feel you.

Check this

Autoglym/Auto Glym. Bodywork Shampoo Cond 1 LITER - eBay (item 310041668942 end time Apr-22-08 13:39:25 PDT) (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310041668942&ih=021&category=72201&_trksid=p1742.m153.l1262)

he ships to Lithuania.

It will cost you about 10 euro with shipping included. (shipping to Lithuania for a 1ltr bottle would be 3.2 GBP)

Also check the triple pack from the same seller

Genuine Autoglym/Auto Glym The BIG THREE Litre Ltd Pack - eBay (item 150226774148 end time Apr-16-08 08:41:54 PDT) (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=150226774148&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=005)

For the shampoo....it has no foam at all the dose is 20ml for 10ltr bucket so it will last. It is very very mild and it does not strip wax. Not the best shampoo out there but a good one. (leaves a nice shine)

04-16-2008, 04:30 AM
Thanks Deathlok ;)

Can this shampoo be used in foam gun? (i`m looking for a shampoo that works good with foam gun, melts the dirt, and does not require touching/rubbing paint, only washing off with pressure washer).

04-16-2008, 07:56 AM
unfortunately it is not suitable for a foam gun.

Believe it or not touching the paint is no a dad thing. If you

1) have a decent wash mitt

2) apply light pressure

3) use a good shampoo

4) use two bucket method

6) and rinse well

then you would be ok.

(foam gun is only good for a prewash, if you wash your car with the foam gun and then just wipe it dry it is almost certain that you will induce swirl marks)

Generally speaking foam guns don`t leave a 100% clean surface.

Setec Astronomy
04-16-2008, 07:59 AM
A foam gun with more than 1oz of Z7, NXT, or another soap designed for a sealant system will tend to cut wax durability by 50% or more.

What do you think these "sealant-targeted" washes are doing to the wax, and why don`t they do it to the sealant?

04-16-2008, 08:30 AM
unfortunately it is not suitable for a foam gun.

Believe it or not touching the paint is no a dad thing. If you

1) have a decent wash mitt

2) apply light pressure

3) use a good shampoo

4) use two bucket method

6) and rinse well

then you would be ok.

(foam gun is only good for a prewash, if you wash your car with the foam gun and then just wipe it dry it is almost certain that you will induce swirl marks)

Generally speaking foam guns don`t leave a 100% clean surface.

I know, I`m always washing by hand, but sometimes when I just want to quickly wash out the car after driving in rain, or to wash the dust, I would like just to spray the foam, let it dwell, rinse off with P.Washer and that`s all, I don`t even dry it. (I know Autopians now hate me, but sometimes I simply don`t have time for a full wash, so I just foam-wash it weekly without drying, and once in a month I do the full hand wash with drying and applying sealant.)

04-16-2008, 08:53 AM
I see your point and it seems ok to me, just be aware of waterspots.

04-16-2008, 08:59 AM
Yeah, it sucks because of waterspots... But`s it`s better than dust or mud all over :)