View Full Version : Dust Questions

04-14-2008, 10:14 PM
I have been using Zaino on my car for a couple weeks now. Z5 and Z2 with ZFX. The car always looks great when I am done polishing it. But the next day, my car gets dusty, from the Lubbock, TX dust bowl always blowing. So i will use an Alpine DF MF and Z6 to QD my car. BUT THE SWIRLS START TO COME BACK! What am I doing wrong? Should I buy a California Duster and Dust with that? then QD?



04-14-2008, 10:16 PM
Could it be streaking from the QD maybe? I dont know I am so confused!

04-14-2008, 10:37 PM
I have been using Zaino on my car for a couple weeks now. Z5 and Z2 with ZFX. The car always looks great when I am done polishing it. But the next day, my car gets dusty, from the Lubbock, TX dust bowl always blowing. So i will use an Alpine DF MF and Z6 to QD my car. BUT THE SWIRLS START TO COME BACK! What am I doing wrong? Should I buy a California Duster and Dust with that? then QD?



Try using ONR, QD ratio in a spray bottle. Spray the entire car and wipe with a ww towel.

04-16-2008, 05:41 AM
I`ve got a California Car Duster and I dust the car off first then QD. I would rather get the majority of the dust off the car before quick detailing so I don`t induce any scratches or micro marring. Just make sure your car isn`t hot or out in the sun when you dust it.

04-16-2008, 06:14 AM
I had success with the CA duster and using a QD with a MF, but "ONLY" when the car is just dusty. When it`s heavy dust, and dirt it`s either a Z-7 wash, or ONR.

I think here in FL most of the pollen has settled down, and I don`t really have pollen/dust issues since using Zaino. I guess because I park in the garage most of the day, but when it`s dusty, it blows right off when I hit the freeway.

04-16-2008, 09:05 AM
It might just be your paint. I don`t know how hard/soft your paint is, but with my car, I absolutely can not QD dust off without it leaving swirls. Doesn`t matter how hard I try/pray or how careful I am. My only solution is to wash when it get`s dusty. It has helped since I`ve found a combo that is really slick and keeps it cleaner longer. I`m looking into maybe some FK1 425 soon to even better help with the dust problem.

04-16-2008, 07:55 PM
ONR solved my dusting problems. Takes me one bucket and 20 minutes to go over all of the paint and bring it right back to perfectly clean without any swirling.