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04-14-2008, 03:07 PM
There was a thread recently about Autogeek vs the others that a lot of you responded to, myself included, but when I tried to rego to it, it came up as an invalid thread. Anyhow, I responded that I had one good experience and a second order was on the way, with good customer service, while a lot of the responses were not quite so positive. Not changed my mind about them yet but it is a bit questionable that they phone me today to tell me that 1 of the three products was not available. They called me about 5 days ago to tell me that 1 of the products had just come in and my order was being shipped out that day. Now that I made a substitution, Penny told me that the order would be shipped out tomorrow. The problem to me is that I placed the order on March 29th. That is 16 days ago and the order is still not even enroute? While I found there prices and shipping decent, as well as a great selection, " That ain`t great service".

Setec Astronomy
04-14-2008, 03:33 PM
As I have mentioned in the past, I have had orders with AG that have gone fine, and then I have had nightmare orders like yours, where you don`t get a tracking email, so you call, and they tell you that one of the items is backordered (even though when you ordered it was supposed to be in stock) but it`s coming in today so your order will ship out today.

Then you still get no tracking email but you call and they tell you it was shipped, so you ask for the tracking number, then they can`t give it to you ("was it actually shipped?" "yes, it was") because it`s on a different computer...then you wait the number of days and it doesn`t show up, etc., etc.

04-14-2008, 03:36 PM
As I have mentioned in the past, I have had orders with AG that have gone fine, and then I have had nightmare orders like yours, where you don`t get a tracking email, so you call, and they tell you that one of the items is backordered (even though when you ordered it was supposed to be in stock) but it`s coming in today so your order will ship out today.

Then you still get no tracking email but you call and they tell you it was shipped, so you ask for the tracking number, then they can`t give it to you ("was it actually shipped?" "yes, it was") because it`s on a different computer...then you wait the number of days and it doesn`t show up, etc., etc.

Setec, that is *exactly* what has happened with me and the Geek.

Setec Astronomy
04-14-2008, 03:39 PM
At one time I blamed this on their temporary move, etc., but that should be all sorted out by now.

04-14-2008, 03:57 PM
Going to make another order from them soon. Hope it will go as smooth as the first one. Their service was great.

Rob Tomlin
04-14-2008, 10:31 PM
I order more from Autogeek than any other vendor and have always had great service. I just placed an order with Patrick (Excel Detail) and Finish Kare and expect great service from them as well.

04-14-2008, 10:56 PM
Recall that they recently moved to a new location so they may have some administrative issues to fix before they can be fully operational again.

Or they just aren`t the same company they used to be... attrition maybe?

04-15-2008, 04:01 AM
Since posting this thread, I was contacted by Jason at AutoGeek to look into my order, and hopefully all is resolved to my satisfaction. Very nice to talk to and certainly seemed to care about my concerns. The biggest problem was the lack of communication about the delays with my order. The reasons I ordered from them in the past are still there so I probably will buy from Autogeek in the future. Being in the a** end of nowhere, Nova Scotia, their variety and shipping charges were among the best.

04-16-2008, 12:03 PM
I have always had great service from the geek. They have fouled up an order here & there but has been quickly resolved with a brief phone call. I think the ones with the big problems more than likely don`t want to accept they played a big roll in the screw up of their order..."it`s always someone elses fault" :doh:doh:doh

Setec Astronomy
04-16-2008, 12:16 PM
I think the ones with the big problems more than likely don`t want to accept they played a big roll in the screw up of their order..."it`s always someone elses fault" :doh:doh:doh

Excuse me? When the vendor tells me the order has shipped, but can`t give me a tracking number (because it hasn`t shipped, as verified by tracking/label date when it finally arrived), but they swear up and down that it HAS shipped, that`s not me having any role in the problem. I had this same problem with DF Towel; it`s a lot better for the vendor to fess up to the problem than try to blow smoke and tell me it`s already shipped when it hasn`t...if they want to keep the customer.

04-16-2008, 12:45 PM
This trend I`ve been having of agreeing with Setec is starting to get disturbing...

But I completely agree with Mr. Grumpy on this one. AG has dropped the ball exactly as stated several times. I don`t see how clicking a few buttons to order a few things could cause me (or any other customer) to play any role in how *they* screwed up my order. Just don`t get the logic there, really.

04-16-2008, 07:55 PM
Being from Canuckistan I have to give vendors a little slack when it comes to shipping. I`ve ordered from most of them now and generally all orders have gone smoothly, but some haven`t, and it just so happens the one from AG was one of them. Oh well, I order everything from the same place now so no matter.

04-16-2008, 08:04 PM
I have ordered from AutoGeek in their old location and everything worked perfectly. I had my order shipped to a US address I sometimes use so I did not have to worry about the Canadian things. Most Canadians have a good supplier here in Port Colborne, Ontario.

By the way for interest sake our Canadian Tire now has the Ultimate Detailer for $ 19.95. I like Megs products but the Canadian distribution and pricing is a joke. Not funny though.

04-16-2008, 08:41 PM
well...I just ordered a UDM package last night (regular shipping)so I`ll get to see if I have any problems. This is my first time ordering something from them.

04-16-2008, 08:50 PM
Maybe they should clear up their shipping policy. If they have an item that isn`t in stock maybe they should they ship a partial order immediately and ship the remainder when it is in stock. Granted they shouldn`t charge shipping twice and that would reduce profit.