View Full Version : Sorry for the silly question- Is this a dent or a clearcoat scuff?

04-13-2008, 02:18 PM
Sorry for the odd question but I noticed a slight scuff/scratch in my clearcoat yesterday. It was very sunny out and also noticed, at certain angles that it looked dented as well...however when I would get close up on it there was no "dent" appearance. Running my finger over it is no help (but I understand that sometimes you can`t feel a dent anyway). It`s VERY minor, probably a 1/2" total but the car is two months old and I am very "anal" about my cars. :D

My GUESS is that I need to polish away the scuff/scratch and see if the "dent" is still there...but I wanted to post up to see if there were any way to definetly know right of the bat if I should be making an appointment with the local PDR guy. :)

Edit- It`s a 2008 VW R32. Candy White


04-13-2008, 02:24 PM
can you post a pic?

04-13-2008, 02:54 PM
can you post a pic?

Sorry, I meant to post this in the original post as well. I tried to take a pic last night and it was impossible to get it to show up in the picture. I`ll try today and see if it`ll show up.

It`s very, very minor...but it does does distort reflections, which is just annoying! :D