View Full Version : Lessons to Learn...polishing

04-12-2008, 09:34 PM
Rather than hijack one of the many relevant threads, I wanted to start a new one to get some feedback on my experience with Menzerna.

I`m kinda new to all this but I must say, I didn`t expect to go through all 6 of my pads so quickly. It seems like I could barely finish a panel before my menzerna was flinging dust all over the place. I was using this as a sign that i need to stick a new pad on. It also meant that I HAD to wash the car again prior to LSP.

So, the 2 things I need to clear up/learn are:

1)Is it normal to go through this many pads on a normal sized car?

2) Does Menzerna always dust this much or was it the humidity? too much product? It was in the low 80`s and I was in a garage?

The Final polish on white pads was where I experienced the most dust.

04-12-2008, 09:55 PM
So as soon as it starts dusting you switch pads? For me, Menz dusts with each pass, so that would mean that after each pass I would switch pads? I switch pads when they get caked up with polish.

04-12-2008, 10:25 PM
You should do half a car with a pad

04-12-2008, 10:41 PM
Most of the polishes will have some dust. Some more than others. Don`t switch pads until the surface has caked with the product. It sounds like you are breaking the polish down well, but some dust doesn`t represent the time to change pads. It really shouldn`t take more than two pads of the same color to complete the car.

Dust sucks!!! It is by far my least favorite part of the polishing. There are products that don`t dust as much. Also with practice, you will learn how to keep down the dust (stay off edges, right amount of polishing time).

Be carefull wiping the dust off and use your best MF. Blow the dust off if you can. There have been a few times when I put a swirl in a perfectly polished fender with dirty MF.

04-12-2008, 10:42 PM
I have used menzerna for about 2 years, and I usually use 2 pads per car. The dusting is normal. And i always wash the car before lsp no matter what.

04-13-2008, 09:27 AM
great feedback! I appreciate it. Good to know I can use 2-3 pads for each step. 3 on a larger car like a full sizer? and yes, seems the dust flings more when I get to an uneven spot like a raised hood or sharp ridge. One thing I forgot to mention is I dressed the rubber seals and such before I went into correction. This caused the dust to really get caught up in all those areas.

04-13-2008, 11:41 AM
on my detail that i just got done... i went through 7 orange pads... granted i started switching pads when they started dusting too... but thinking back to how i was working, and thinking about the pads i used, theres at least 3 still sitting in the garage that havent been washed, and arent caked with polish.

04-13-2008, 12:10 PM
Try a slower setting on the pc. Most polishes will dust, but Menzerna advertises it`s a "low" dust polish. My experience is about 2 pads a car and low dust. You may also be breaking it down too far and over compensating before shutting it off to buff the panel. Shorten the polish time a bit before buffing. Do one section of the car at a time. It`s a little more time consuming than trying to finish the whole car as fast as possible, but by doing a section and buffing, will not let the polish sit so long on the car which can create some additional dust.

04-13-2008, 12:30 PM
Though I may not have any experience with Menzerna, I would say if you can, reduce your polishing time with their polishes. Also, don`t worry too much about how many pads you use... it really isn`t a big deal, especially considering it`s dependent upon the paint condition and other factors.

If you have some OP, you could try doing a Menz(75-80)/OP(25-20) mix to extend the work in time.

04-13-2008, 01:15 PM
Countering point of view to Big_O`s post: There shouldn`t even be a speed selector on a PC. It should only have speed six. :)

Agreeing with Denzil: adding a *small* amount of Optimum Polish to whatever Menzerna polish you are using will greatly increase the working time as well as greatly reduce the dusting. Don`t add very much, though; it`ll cut the bite of the Mernzerna polish alot. If you have Menzerna PO106FF, adding a couple drops of it will increase the working time, and slightly reduce the dusting.

04-13-2008, 01:53 PM
autogeek carries a handy little gnurler tool that`s great for cleaning dust and excess product out of pads inbetween panels.

04-13-2008, 02:00 PM
autogeek carries a handy little gnurler tool that`s great for cleaning dust and excess product out of pads inbetween panels.

Yeah, I`m sure it`s a great tool but for me it doesn`t beat my UPW, hehe. :getdown