View Full Version : clearcoat - edge mapping

04-12-2008, 09:40 AM
Since I repainted my car I noticed several ``clouds`` in my clearcoat visible from some angles. I searched the web and found they call these ``edge mapping``, so I wanted to ask, can I expect annything more from them or they are just going to stay like that?

I don`t have a time to paint those areas again, and all of local painters are idiots so I will keep it as it is.

Maybe polish can help?

04-12-2008, 11:45 AM
try lightly "dusting it with a hot air gun and see if that works ( worked in a bm dearlership and had quite a few like that) it sounds like "bloom" moisture trapped in the clearcoat bm use a waterbased paint so quite likely this will cure it just try a little section dont heat it red hot but just "warm it up a bit"