View Full Version : CR Spotless DIC-20

imported_Detailing Technology
04-08-2008, 12:40 PM
Costco - CR SPOTLESS De-ionized Water Filtration System (http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11201522&whse=BC&Ne=4000000&eCat=BC|3960|62754&N=4018438&Mo=23&pos=7&No=2&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=62754&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC1061-Cat3960&topnav=)

The DIC-20 CR Spotless washer is available at Costco for $369.99

I would order one but I have a whole house filtration system already.

04-08-2008, 02:32 PM
I ordered their bigger system, also from Costco. I already have twin 5-micron filters, a softener, and a "berm filter", but I figured a deionized final rinse sure won`t hurt anything (well, except my wallet :o ). Gotta get a pressure regulator for it so my boosted water pressure won`t cause issues, then we`ll see if it yields any benefits.

03-30-2009, 03:18 PM
I ordered their bigger system, also from Costco. I already have twin 5-micron filters, a softener, and a "berm filter", but I figured a deionized final rinse sure won`t hurt anything (well, except my wallet :o ). Gotta get a pressure regulator for it so my boosted water pressure won`t cause issues, then we`ll see if it yields any benefits.

How is the Costco system working for you? I am interested in the same one and also want to go with a water softener.

03-31-2009, 10:49 AM
How is the Costco system working for you? I am interested in the same one and also want to go with a water softener.

It`s working very well. I usually only use it to rinse off the dog-haulers but it`s super for that. I still dry them (I figure there`s always a little non-DI water left that might spot) but I dunno if it`s really *necessary*. Note that for me, "drying" them isn`t a huge deal as I blow most of the water off with the AirWand anyhow and the drying process is more a matter of spritzing/buffing off some QD for a just-detailed appearance.

Cool thing: last Sunday I`d washed the Yukon only to have it get messed up a few hours later while running an errand in some bad weather. It was covered with dirty water and the rear liftgate looked *REALLY* dirty with lots of brown dirt clearly visible. I gave it a good rinsing with the CRSpotless and then blew it off with the AirWand. It didn`t come out *perfect* by any means, but it`s sure nice enough that I don`t need to rewash it and I couldn`t have done that without the CRSpotless.

Note that excessive water pressure can wreak havoc on the CRSpotless`s resin life. My boosted pressure would trash it in no time, so I have a 40psi limiter in place. I *think* that 40psi is a bit on the low side for normal household pressure (my household isn`t normal so I dunno) so you might keep the limiter in mind. RV stores sell `em for a few bucks.