View Full Version : Help! Meguiar`s NXT Tech Wax screwed me!

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04-07-2008, 09:59 AM
Ok, so its not that big...but I have mudguards that USED to be a flat black color until i got a little bit of that Meguiar`s NXT Tech Wax on them. Is there anything I can do to restore them to the original color? Polishing? sanding? anything?


04-07-2008, 10:04 AM
did it turn them white? if so peanut oil works well to remove wax on rubber

Setec Astronomy
04-07-2008, 10:20 AM
We`ve had some heated discussions here about whether peanut butter is a temporary or permanent fix. NXT is a real bad stainer. Here`s my suggestion, you need to use a solvent or strong detergent to dissolve it. If the surface is textured, you will need to agitate it with something to get into the texture, the tricky part is agitating it, with a brush or scrubber, without damaging the texture of the plastic or surrounding paint.

I`d try some IPA or your best APC.

04-07-2008, 10:32 AM
Toothbrush and some all purpose cleaner...

or an eraser...

or a mr. clean magic eraser if you`re daring...

or some peanut butter...

04-07-2008, 11:08 AM
Hrmm,.. interesting. NXT 2.0 has never stained my trim. I go straight in one stroke from body over rubber/plastic/metal trim to windows (I wax my windows) and even leave it on for a while.. Doesn`t discolor it at all. Very strange.

But apparently it is common with NXT. Now I know :) --

Wax staining things like you stained are common, and it can be gotten off, take the suggestions and run with it. The only thing that is sometimes an uh-oh is when a certain polish gets on the trim.. Then it is nearly impossible aside from a respray of the trim.

04-07-2008, 02:05 PM
thanks for the suggestions...i think i`ll start off easy (like water plus toothbrush) and get progressively more harsh with it...

too bad, i liked the stuff until now. i guess I should get Mothers FX Synwax instead...

04-07-2008, 02:36 PM
I don`t see how it screwed you

because there are warnings about it staining trim on the bottle

I have had good luck with peanut butter

but there are a few tricks to it

first you must use natural PB(the kind that seperates)

because the regular PB most of the peanut oil is extracted and replaced with veg oil

next spread it on and let it dwell fot 15-20 min.

then scrub with a brush(toothbrush works well)

then scrub with terry cloth

last wash as normal to remove residue

04-07-2008, 02:47 PM
first you must use natural PB(the kind that seperates)

because the regular PB most of the peanut oil is extracted and replaced with veg oil

next spread it on and let it dwell fot 15-20 min.

then scrub with a brush(toothbrush works well)

then scrub with terry cloth

last wash as normal to remove residue

And don`t forget to put some bread down to catch the remnants so you can enjoy a mid-wash snack. :D

04-07-2008, 07:02 PM
If all else fails, black wow?

04-07-2008, 08:08 PM
Yea, in all reality you screwed yourself.

I use APC and a terry towel to remove wax from plastic. Its always a good idea to use a trim detailer once using a APC.

04-07-2008, 08:16 PM
You are taking risks when you try any remover like tarminator or alcohol. There is a product made for this exact problem. I don`t remember the name of the product but I believe autopia stocks it. The key is leaving the product on long enough to do the job and have a brush to agitate it. With any experiment try it on a inconspicuous spot to see how it may react with your trim. My worst experiance was with a product that didn`t show up on trim for a few days. Not good for a profesional image. If you try a chemical make sure you rinse any leftover residue off.

04-07-2008, 08:26 PM
yea...it turned white. would Jif chunky peanut butter work? that seems to be the only stuff i got right now...otherwise, it looks like they sell peanut oil at supermarkets too.

lol. i`m getting hungry now.

04-07-2008, 08:31 PM
would Jif chunky peanut butter work? that seems to be the only stuff i got right now...otherwise, it looks like they sell peanut oil at supermarkets too.

no jiff will not work (read my post)

you can`t use straight peanut oil because there is nothing to make it stay

there long onough to dissolve the wax

04-07-2008, 08:34 PM
darn, i was hoping the chunkiness would retain some of that oil. in theory, couldn`t i combine the regular peanut butter with the peanut oil, or some other sort of goo?

04-07-2008, 08:39 PM
in theory, couldn`t i combine the regular peanut butter with the peanut oil, or some other sort of goo?

that sounds like it would work fine

but I only tell people to do what I KNOW works

Good Luck