View Full Version : micro marring after polish

04-05-2008, 09:13 AM

i believe i have a big problem with my car`s exterior appearance.

yesterday i washed my car and then clayed it using meguiars clay and QD spraywit a MB.

after without wash it again tried to polish it with a rotary and #80 mirror glaze but it was a little bit difficult as the polish didn`t show to buff off easily...

i tried higher speed but i was almost the same...finally i finished all the car(black rx8)it looks good but when you see in direct sunlight you get a little haze or micro marring.

what did i do wrong and what should i do now on to have a real good result?

04-05-2008, 09:37 AM
Which pad were you using with #80? What speed did you finish at?

Check out this thread too, lots of good info:


04-05-2008, 12:11 PM
Sounds like your pad may have been too agressive. Try redoing it again with a finer polish and pad combo, this should refine the haze.

04-05-2008, 12:33 PM
thanks for the advices...

as for the pads i have used wasn`t one but more than two as with the least aggresive i`ve used firstly the polish didn`t buff out good so i passed to more aggresive one.

what should i do now?was a problem that i didn`t wash the car after the clay and QD?

should i repolish it again trying a fine pad and mirror glaze #80 or finer polish than that?

finally which speed do you thing its appropriate for the rotary at this time?

04-05-2008, 12:43 PM
I don`t have `rotary` speed advice -- But I believe your problem was/is that your agressive combination you had to resort to left the marring. It isn`t uncommon for this to happen.. Which is why people follow up with a lighter pad and finishing polish to do the `final` step for polish and get the marring from the stronger polishing out. Sounds silly to have to polish because of polishing, but its a 2-3 step process sometimes.

You`ll be fine with say a White pad and a finishing polish with one pass.

04-05-2008, 12:43 PM
I don`t have `rotary` speed advice -- But I believe your problem was/is that your agressive combination you had to resort to left the marring. It isn`t uncommon for this to happen.. Which is why people follow up with a lighter pad and finishing polish to do the `final` step for polish and get the marring from the stronger polishing out. Sounds silly to have to polish because of polishing, but its a 2-3 step process sometimes.

You`ll be fine with say a White pad and a finishing polish with one pass.

Right on the money.



First of all, higher speed won`t rid you of micro marring, and it would be wise to get some professional advice on rotary use. Not just reading articles on here, but I recommend actually going out to a shop and working with a professional, because it sounds like you`re quite new to the rotary world.

Second, I`m assuming the surface of the vehicle was cold, because thats one of many things that causes polishes to become finicky.

Third, I don`t use meguiars products for the most part, but I`m assuming you should follow up with a finer polish and softer pad to rid the vehicle of the holograms.

Post some photos, we would love to see. I`m sure it`s better than before, and just a tiny bit more needs to be done.

Also, if you protected the paint after you couldn`t remove the marring, you`ll want to wash the car with dawn to remove the wax/sealant on the paint before you polish again. Similar to using clay/QD - you will notice, (for me, it`s an uncomfortable change) when you try to polish on a surface that has wax/sealant/qd, these make the surface too slick - so the results will be inconsistent, it gums up the pad and such.

Best of luck, sounds like you`ve got it pretty much figured out though. I`m eager to hear the entire process from when you`re completely finished. Let us know-

04-05-2008, 01:27 PM
as it`s night here now and cant take any fotos i found one and looks similar mine car appearance,

not too much as the foto but almost like that...:help:

04-05-2008, 01:40 PM
Would still like to see the pictures of the actual car we are talking about.

But the advice remains the same. Finishing polish, white pad, and work it in all the way. It will get rid of your hazing/polish marring.

04-05-2008, 01:40 PM
as it`s night here now and cant take any fotos i found one and looks similar mine car appearance,

not too much as the foto but almost like that...:help:

Yeah, try what Neo & I have said - that should remove it completely.

04-05-2008, 02:43 PM
Finishing 100% hologram-free with a rotary, let alone on black, can be tough to do. And #80 can be a little tricky by rotary anyhow.

I`m not exactly talentless at this stuff, and I still do my final polishing with the Cyclos; last I heard, Mike Phillips (who`s infinitely better at this than I`ll *ever* be) wasn`t doing his final polishing by rotary either. Yeah some people do it just great, but not everybody can say the same ;)

If you must finish by rotary, I`d try a finishing polish (I`d use 3M Ultrafina or 1Z High Gloss) on a finishing pad, varying the speed as others have explained.