View Full Version : You guys got me scared!

04-05-2008, 08:46 AM
Hey all, have been fantasizing about getting a UDM or Flex. I`d be brand new to machine polishing. It really seems the way to go BUT I`ve been reading all these threads about how you pro`s make a living off other people`s bad work. It leaves me feeling like "How would I be any different, being new and all? :sosad

Would I just have to live with my bad work for awhile til I got good at it? or Could I get good in a hurry because of fairly safe equipment?

Judging by some other recent threads, sounds like I should probably start with the UDM to be safest. The only reason I contemplated a Flex would be if I thought at some point I could branch out beyond working on my own cars to do an occasional correction as an add-on service (I normally do mostly interior repair and reconditioning and windshield repair).

Is that a reasonable goal? or Is it just not practical because the only way to do good enough correction and buffing work to charge for it, is to do it full time or at least more than once in awhile?

Setec Astronomy
04-05-2008, 09:00 AM
Most of the "bad work" is people not actually correcting defects, and then adding holograms, and this would be with a rotary. I guess you can make things worse by buffing a dirty surface, but you wouldn`t do that, right?

I can`t really speak to the Flex, never having used one, but even with the forced rotation of that machine, I can`t imagine you, using Autopian methods (good wash and clay first, keep all wash/dry/wipe/buff media clean), making anything worse than what you started with.

04-05-2008, 09:12 AM
you will be just fine.

04-05-2008, 12:46 PM
you will be just fine.

Yep, +1

Just avoid the "just a little bit more and it`ll be perfect..." temptation and err on the side of caution with regard to how aggressive/persistent you are. Pay attention and think before/during/after you do stuff. Use user-friendly, mild products to start.

As for doing other people`s cars, I`ll go out on a limb (with regard to ticking off some of our resident pros) and say that a lot of customers don`t expect/want/need perfection and I bet you can do work that`s more than good enough for everybody to end up happy. Start with your stuff, then do vehicles for family/friends, then think about doing it for others...you`ll see ;) Really.

04-05-2008, 12:52 PM
Yup... Don`t worry about it, don`t doubt your skill ;)

I`m brand new to the UDM,.. and I won`t claim I`m a pro, but I get pro results. I haven`t messed anything up yet.. from the very first time.

I read alot, and watched some videos -- It isn`t that hard to be honest. As long as you know the basic fundamentals of the `steps` the prep, and so forth you will be fine. It isn`t the acutal `use` of the RO`s that people screw things up with its everything before and after (or lack thereof) that results in damage or piss poor results.

No need to worry, and by your worry it futher indicates you will do good work.

04-05-2008, 12:58 PM
You will be fine. The people who mess up are those that have never come across a site like Autopia and they pick up a polishing machine and compounds and go mess the heck out of their paint. Keep reading the forum, do some reading around here Car Detailing Tips & Complete Auto Detailing How-to Guide (http://www.autopia-carcare.com/how-to.html) and check out these videos Car Detailing videos - How to detail, polish and wax your Car (http://paintcare-n-detailing.com/video.html) and you will soon be on your way to getting some pro results. Also, start with some mild polish/pad combos and you will be fine. I recommend Sonus SFX 2 and 3 or Menzerna 106ff, RD, MC all with a white or gray LC pad and you won`t go wrong.

04-05-2008, 01:18 PM
Heh, I`m sure you`ll be ok, especially with a UDM. The PC/UDM is a great tool to start with and whatever vehicle you end up working on will end up in better shape than when you received it. Of course, you can cut that correction time with a Flex/rotary but that can wait when you`re ready for it.

04-05-2008, 01:55 PM
UDM/PC give it a try .

04-05-2008, 02:23 PM
take your time and u will be fine, start slow be slow and u will be fine

04-05-2008, 11:57 PM
Thanks all, making me feel much better. I think the UDM will be just right for me. Now all I have to do is talk the wife into it!

04-06-2008, 08:39 AM
I,m an occasional polisher,3,4 times a year on my two cars ,and a couple friend`s cars now a days since they like my work,if that,s all you do in a year ,believe me a PC /UDM is a perfect tool for you,you may get a quicker result with a flex but what`s the rush??

Yesterday I did a correction on my Civic with my pc and a light cutting pad it took half an hour to do the hood and while I was doing it I wasn`t worried if I burn through the soft paint or cause more damage,that`s the beauty of a PC.