View Full Version : Tarnished paint on Black `07 Nissan Xterra -- Any ideas?

03-20-2008, 02:22 PM
I noticed this defect in the paint and along the window trim of this 2006 Nissan Xterra. The vehicle is usually kept outdoors, with the exception of being parked in a parking garage during the work-week. It looks like something might have dripped (maybe from a pipe in the garage?) onto the trim and the door, causing this discoloration. The paint doesn`t feel any different when you touch it, but it defintely looks like something. The photos were taken after a quick wipe down w/EO Wipe&Shine.

Has anyone had experience w/defects similar to this?

Any suggestions on trying to clean this up?

I`m gonna check back at the parking garage where it`s usually parked during the week and see if I can find the cause. Also, the car came with a paint-protection warranty, which might cover the repairs, so if I don`t have to do anything, that would be ideal...But any feedback would be great. Thanks.






03-20-2008, 09:52 PM
Sorry - post edited to include pics...