View Full Version : Mac Issues

03-15-2008, 11:26 PM
I can`t even remember when this issue started as it really hasn`t caught my attention or raised any alarms until recently. I would estimate it has been occurring for the past month or so.

When I first brought home my MacBook in the fall I remember how quiet it was and so very cool on the lap rather than my Vaio it replaced which was very hot after an hour use!

Well today I was bored and decided to look into it I downloaded iStat and started comparing my CPU temp/fan speed to the baseline of MacBooks.

Here is where I was at...

Fan: 6200 RPM

CPU Temp: Anywhere between 65-75*

Mind you this was only with Firefox opened, the past week I have been heavily using Dreamweaver which was when I really noticed I couldn`t get much of anything done, frequent Safari crashes etc...

I look into the processes currently running and my CPU is running 99% because of a PrintJobMgr... All because of a print job which was not completed, no bouncing printer icon or anything it was just sitting in the queue.

Deleted the print job and I am now running a cool 1750 RPM and 55*F with peace and quiet !


Thought I`d share in case any other Mac users run into this issue!

03-16-2008, 01:27 AM
damn 99% it must have been aweful trying to do anything.