View Full Version : Gave the Flex it`s first run...WOW

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03-13-2008, 02:57 PM
I got my Flex about a month ago and I`ve been bogged down with terrible weather up north so I came down to FL for SB to give it a work out and WOW!!! That`s all I gotta say. I absolutely love how stable it feels, how smooth it operates and the level of correction I have achieved with it! Well worth the money IMO! Now I just need to get a few more pads for it and I`ll be set! Pics of the work will be up in a few. I`m about to go out and add the LSP to the paint before snapping some afters!:spot

03-13-2008, 05:24 PM
Look forward to the pics.

Have you used other machines before? IE: PC`s? If so, how does the ease of use/ weight (heaviness) compare?

Also is it a humongous difference in outcome looks-wise using your Flex vs a hand job? (Don`t take that last sentence the wrong way you gutter brains! ;) )

03-13-2008, 05:45 PM
I actually have been using a PC for the last 5 years with great results. Ease of use is comparable and weight seems to be a bit heavier but not much. It is quite a bit lighter than my Dewalt rotary. It`s a great machine and I don`t need to pull out a rotary for every polishing job and corrects almost as quickly! I couldn`t be happier. As for a difference between the Flex and hand, there is no comparison!

03-13-2008, 05:47 PM
So, do you think it will replace both the PC and rotary for you?

03-13-2008, 05:55 PM
So, do you think it will replace both the PC and rotary for you?

It definitely has its place in my arsenal but I`m not getting rid of either of them! The PC is easier to get in tighter places...

03-13-2008, 09:56 PM
It definitely has its place in my arsenal but I`m not getting rid of either of them! The PC is easier to get in tighter places...

I feel the same way.

I think I will also stick to the PC for LSP application. To me it seems easier to move around the vehicle faster.

03-13-2008, 10:43 PM
Can`t have too many buffers. :)

03-13-2008, 10:48 PM
best machine i have used yet!

03-14-2008, 10:35 PM
I am getting ready to order up a Flex to replace my PC...can`t wait to use it...I`m tired of seeing and hearing about what it can do and not being able to test it out myself! Soon though!

03-14-2008, 11:00 PM
I ordered one yesterday. It looks like every place is out of stock. Some are trickling in this week, some at the end of the month. I decided on the Flex because my family rides ins station wagons and full size vans. The Porter Cable also seem to make peoples hands numb.

03-14-2008, 11:13 PM
Good to see another Flex convert. I remember my PC days (actually only did about 3 details with it before saying there`s gotta be something better), and stumbling upon the Flex here. I do still like the PC for LSP though as others have said it`s easier to work one-handed and get into tight spaces. And as Scottwax says, you can never have enough buffers!!! Now, get those pics up!!!

03-14-2008, 11:29 PM
I am getting ready to order up a Flex to replace my PC...can`t wait to use it...I`m tired of seeing and hearing about what it can do and not being able to test it out myself! Soon though!

Check out the trading post or good deals section. For instance:


03-15-2008, 02:18 AM

So the PC is heavier than the Flex? But you can `one hand` it because of its unibody grip.. where I imagine the Flex has two handle grips (Haven`t seen one).. so one hand would apply uneven pressure and cause problems of course.

I`m trying to decide on the best DA to buy based on ease of use for applying and removing wax. (I will be polishing often.. but to keep it simple I am going to base the `better product` off of that quality).

Given that,.. out of:

Meg G110

PC 7424

Flex 3401? (There other models?)

Whats the best option for ease of use? -- Speed ties into `ease`.. but isn`t the main factor. I don`t mind spending a few hours on the job,.. even just a wax application and removal. But how `easy` it is on the body and enjoyable to work with (not a pain to use) is very important to me. So out of those three which would fit those needs best in your opinion.

*I`m asking this question everywhere.. so if you`ve seen it somewhere, I apologize.. I am a college student, thus by virtue I am nearly poor :) -- So 150-200$ is alot of money to me, so I`d like to get the best product for the money that I would be , personally, happy with.

03-15-2008, 08:46 AM
Neofate - No the Flex 3401 (3401=DA; 3403=Rotary) is heavier than the PC and demands more control than the PC does. Since the Flex uses forced rotation it can pull around a bit.

IMO you`d be better off with the PC or the G110. They should be easier and faster to use for LSP application and will also save you some money.

If you`ve not seen a Flex just search the site or do a Google image search (http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS235US237&q=flex+3401&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi)on it. You`ll find plenty of pictures.

03-15-2008, 11:11 AM
Good to see another Flex convert. I remember my PC days (actually only did about 3 details with it before saying there`s gotta be something better), and stumbling upon the Flex here. I do still like the PC for LSP though as others have said it`s easier to work one-handed and get into tight spaces. And as Scottwax says, you can never have enough buffers!!! Now, get those pics up!!!

Pics are posted in the Click and Brag. I`m actually going to be using it again today on a Lambo Murceialgo, pics soon to come.