View Full Version : Any grad students out there?

03-10-2008, 07:20 PM
I`m trying to get into a Masters of Public Administration program at the same university I graduated from in 2006. I have to write a "400-word written essay outlining professional and personal goals and how the MPA degree will help achieve these goals.â€

It sounds so easy with my background too. BA in political science with a minor in business economics. Graduate of a local police academy with a little over a year in law enforcement and a second job in security. I have all the transcripts forwarded, two of three recommendations on file, a request for the third sitting on the person`s desk, and the fee paid.

Perhaps writers block? I imagined editing pages of writing into 400 words would have been the difficult task, but I have no clue where to go to sell myself. My GPA meets regular admission requirements- (3.13/4.0), two former employers wrote extremely positive and supportive recommendations, and if he pulls through my third recommendation should be very high from a former undergrad professor.

I know I can use first person, avoid negatives, write with intelligent but not superfluous language, perfect spelling/grammar, etc... I am open to suggestions from experience!

03-10-2008, 07:42 PM
I`m all-but-dissertation in systematic theology. After a BA in graphic design. Don`t ask.

But in reply to the dreaded "personal statement" all that they are asking is "why should we let you in?" Your obvious answers- better pay, quicker advancement- really isn`t what they want to hear. What they want is how are you going to use your degree for the betterment of your community.

Since I also run a law enforcement uniform shop I know an MPA will move you into administration. What element of administration do you want to be involved in? Do you want to run a squad? A station? Or do you want to be involved in the central administration in your department? What to you plan to do once you get there? What is an MPA going to give you that someone without one does not have? (Beyond the basics of what you will learn.)

Off the top of my head you might try something along the lines of "I entered into law enforcement to serve my community; I enter into my MA studies hoping to serve my department, and through them to offer even better service to the community."

Hope it helps.

03-10-2008, 08:11 PM
Thank you for your post. Some people know from the time they are a small child what they want to do for a living. My girlfriend has wanted to be a teacher since she can remember. She is about to enter her senior year of undergrad in education.

I`m not one of those people though. Sometimes it seems my career will be a "professional student." I know a great deal of people in MBA programs are motivated by the prospect of making money and working in a professional class of people. I`m less motivated by money but can`t imagine being a cop for the next 24 years.

03-11-2008, 01:08 AM
I finished a Masters in Criminal Justice Admin (Criminal Theory/Pub Ad) a year ago and am attending law school this fall. Lets just say I know all about personal statements, why X statements, etc.

"outlining professional and personal goals and how the MPA degree will help achieve these goals" is what you statement should address while presenting your strengths.

What are your career goals? Does having a Masters enable you to better achieve these goals?

Did you take the GRE? Honestly, your personal statement is a relatively minor aspect of the admissions process. While important, GPA, GRE SCORE, LOR`s, and Resume/Relevant Experience will likely weigh heavier than your personal statement that will likely be skimmed.

Sit down, focus, whip out a couple pages, proof, proof, re-read, re-write, peer review it, proof, and your done.

Being a career student gets old, so hurry.

P.S. Ensure that you need and will use a Masters. Look at the careers your interested in and determine if a Masters will give you an advantage or is a requirement.

I was on a scholarship, if I wasn`t, I would never pay 30k for a Masters. Skip it and go PhD.

A Pub Ad Masters is great if you have connections in government (municipal/city/state/fed).

Good Luck.