View Full Version : Rmg + Upgp

03-09-2008, 04:45 AM
Anyone have any experience mixing the two. RMG over PGP or RMG under PGP? Would RMG lose it`s filling capabilities if applied over PGP? I`m guessing there would be bonding issues if PGP were applied over RMG. Some might say PGP looks good on it`s own, but it seems to enhance the very minor swirls I have that I don`t want to correct yet (until it gets bad). Heard good things about DWG, but that`s out of the question since it has little to no fill.

03-09-2008, 08:02 AM

RMG and UPGP are a no no. Rmg only works under nubas and water based sealants.

RMG doesnt boast wondeful filling ablities, it does make metalics pop though.

With regard the sealant enhancing issues with paintwork, that is a problem with alot of high end products in that they dont contain fillers, they do try to get hte bes toptics out of the paint and as a result show up all the imperfections.

My only thoughts are, if you have perfections you cannot correct why not buy a different set up? If your jumping on a bandwagon that everyone else is on beaware it may be a bumpy a ride.


03-09-2008, 07:52 PM
How about RMG over a UPGP prepped base. Sealant already bonded, so would RMG retain all it qualities over it (fill or gloss or both). Or the cleaners/solvents in RMG are potent enough that PGP would dissappear under it anyways.

03-09-2008, 08:36 PM

Its a bit confusing, this isnt anything against you personally but there is alot of confusion on here to do with glazes.

A while a go, people did put a glaze on top of a car at a show etc. It something that washes away quickly in the rain and just isnt the sort of thing people really do anymore.

If your intreasted in getting a bit of jazz post LSP why not get one of many quality QD`s or spray sealants/waxes.

Further more the glaze people used was different, it was #7 show car glaze, its unique in that it doesnt haze, it skins. Its special and different to any other glaze you can buy.

With regard RMG, its an oil based glazed that by hand will will not remove any defects nor will it remove your LSP.

Its best qualities are that it enhances metalic pop with a light, ice wet rather then flowing wet (what i call faux or fake) finish. In order to get these benefits it needs to be in your paintwork. Your paintwork is porus and thats where it needs to be, pre LSP.

RMG and polymer products do not mix really. Now you could use RMG under WG that is amazing esp. on silver.

Apply RMG on top of UPGP if you want to, all you will find is that you move about the glaze and then dries to a red dust. It doesnt skin up like #7 its totally different.

I hope that helps!
