View Full Version : PC vs Rotary

03-07-2008, 09:24 AM
I have the PC and I have the Chicago Electric Rotary (LOL).

A buddy asked me “how can a rotary that moves at slower speeds be better at defect removal?”

My first assumption is because it works a smaller spot generating more action and heat on that spot?

Please help me explain the benefit of the rotary in layman’s terms.

I use mine when the swirls are bad on cars, but I get a lot of sling and usually the effort of it does not seem worth it. Most likely it is the Cheap Rotary.

03-07-2008, 10:24 AM
The rotary is direct drive and the PC is a random orbital drive. So all of the force from the rotary is concentrated in one spot (like a drill) where the PC moves in a random orbital pattern (simulating your hand) spreading out the force and the heat.

the other pc
03-08-2008, 12:31 AM
...A buddy asked me “how can a rotary that moves at slower speeds be better at defect removal?”...He’s confusing motor speed with pad speed. They`re not the same thing.

With an orbital, every point on the pad moves in an arc the size of the orbit, which is only a fraction of an inch.

With a rotary the speed at which any point on the pads moves is proportional to its distance from the center. That’s up to a six inch diameter arc for a six inch pad, an eight inch diameter arc for eight inch pad, etc.

So if a point on an orbital pad is moving at four times the rpm`s but the distance to that same point on a rotary pad is forty times the diameter of the orbital`s orbit, the point on the rotary pad is still moving along the paint at tens times the speed as on the orbital.
