View Full Version : Extracter size question...

03-06-2008, 11:19 AM
Hi all,

This is the first time I am posting in this forum.

I own a detail shop and was looking to invest in an extracter. I have been inclining towards the Mytee 8070, and had the following questions. Your help will be greatly appreciated

1) How many cars can the mytee 8070 do in one go?

2) How long does it take for the water to heat up?

3) How is the maintenance?

4) What all accessories will I need with it?

5) Does it have enough pressure for proper cleaning?

Basically I am trying to figure out if I can get away with the 8070 or will have to go with the HP60 which has the 6Gallon tank vs 3G for 8070.

Thanks in advance for your responses and they are greatly appreciated.

