View Full Version : Trim discolored by GR 40!

Reflctn Perfctn
07-24-2005, 04:01 PM
Does any one have expeience with GR 40???? I applid it with a cotton towel and flipped it over and buffed dry.... then when i went back to put on some clear it seems like where the sun hit it got discolored really bad :( god forbid this was a clients car.

07-24-2005, 04:11 PM
What type of trim?

Reflctn Perfctn
07-24-2005, 11:37 PM
It was on the very front of my s 10 truck ( the black part right below the headlights. All the other moulding was fine. It seems very plasticky... mabe that was the problem

07-25-2005, 08:43 AM
Smooth or the grainy type of plastic? Most of the time when you see this its because that area is not clean

Reflctn Perfctn
07-25-2005, 03:46 PM
yes its like a grainy feel to it

07-25-2005, 03:50 PM
Sounds to me that the plastic is not clean and as I said before that will cause streaking.........I clean all my plastic at the wash stage with APC and a bristle brush.....Then once dry I use PB Trim Restore with as tooth brush to work into the grained area, this takes out any dirt that maybe hiding and old wax.........Buff that out good and for the most part I do nothing more....some times I follow up with Natural look to give it a bit less shine and more of a matted finish.

Hope this helps

07-25-2005, 04:05 PM
I have the GR-40 and the Trim-A-Shield. Love the Trim-A-Shield. Only used the GR-40 a couple times. You have to be careful with it and what you use to applied it with. But the towel you describe souldn`t be a problem. Can you get some picks and post them for us?

It is a cleaner. Did you follow up with vinegar? You should. If you had used a rather stiff bristled brush, yes, you can discolor the plastic if you rub hard enough and long enough.

It could be that you had some seriously dirty and therefore discolored plastic and this cleaned it to the point it changed the color, but perhaps it`s now closer to the color it was originally! I don`t know without seeing it.

Try the Trin-A-Shield. It will darken many platics, but you won`t get black if it`s gray. But even the gray plastic on my truck in the front gets slightly darker and cleaner looking.

I only have to apply this stuff about twice a year - spring and fall.

07-25-2005, 09:10 PM
What products have you previously used on the trim? Did you purchase the vehicle new?


07-25-2005, 10:25 PM
I`ve used PB`s Trim Restorer, which I also like very much, but you do have to use it more often I think. The truck was purchased new and is just now two years old this month.

I used Trim Restorer for the first year and some, and then started using Trim-A-Shield. They both have done a really good job for me.

Recently I had to have the one piece of side molding replaced as it was coming loose. They just put a new one on - last month I think it was. Anyway, after two years, you cannot tell the difference between the new and the old. You can look as closely as you like, and they look the same.

I did a friends Subaru a couple months ago and he has so much black trim. The car is six years old and was never taken care of - at all - washed a few times is it.

Anyway, I washed it and did no other prep work to it and then applied the Trim-A-shield. Looked brand new. Amazing how it turned out.

I also recently gave the front wheel wells a good cleaning and then coated the black plastic in there with the Trim-A-Sield. It looks great!