View Full Version : How much protection does ONR provide?

03-04-2008, 12:45 PM
I used ONR for the first time on Saturday and was quite impressed with the whole process. I live in an apartment, with no garage, so I will definitely be using ONR for now on. Anyway, here are two shots of my vehicle. The first was on Saturday after I rinsed off the heavy grime, mud, salt, etc using a spray wand at a local car wash. My Rainier has been sadly neglected and hasn’t been polished/waxed since I’ve owned it. The vehicle is still in the wash bay and if the paint on the hood appears to have a wet look to it, it should. There is actually a layer of water just sitting on the whole hood of the vehicle. No water beading whatsoever. After taking a picture of the hood, I went home and proceeded to do an ONR wash of the vehicle. I planned on waxing it too, but it was a beautiful day and I kept stopping to play with my kids so I ran out of time.


The second picture was snapped today shortly after arriving to work. It has been pouring down rain most of the morning. Notice the big difference on the hood. The whole vehicle looks like this, even the windows. On my way to work, I turned off the wipers and the water just beaded up on the windshield and flew right off. The only thing I did was use ONR this past Saturday.


I had someone in our complex ask me yesterday what wax I used on my vehicle. My girlfriend came home from work this morning, saw the vehicle in the rain, and told me I did a good job waxing on Saturday. They were both surprised when I said I hadn’t waxed it yet.

So, how good or what kind of protection does ONR provide?

03-04-2008, 12:47 PM
I do not believe there is any protection left by ONR and beading (surface tension) can be caused by all sorts of things. When I`ve had my vehicles perfectly polished without any protection they bead like crazy.

03-04-2008, 01:04 PM
I`m a new user of ONR, but from using it... I think it leaves a just a little bit of protection. I like the ONR as a QD which leaves a nice slick shiny finish. I think most car wash soaps leaves a little bit of protection these days, but "I`M NOT SURE?"

03-04-2008, 04:09 PM
The description for ONR says it contains polymers which bond to the paint to protect it during the wash. It does feel like a layer of something is on the paint. I will get to see first hand what it does over the next few days since our weather forecast is calling for more rain and snow.

03-04-2008, 04:58 PM
ONR leaves something behind. The surface is really slick and shiny after ONR application. I`ve noticed this when I use ONR as a clay lube and as a QD. I like adding it to my regular car wash to give the paint some gloss while washing.

As for how long it lasts ... I dunno.

03-04-2008, 06:28 PM
Probably similar to whatever protection you get from a QD.