View Full Version : Bonding issues - How can you tell ?

03-02-2008, 11:23 AM
Lately I`ve been playing and using DG 105 as an AIO since it seems to be a great base and very durable, but don`t really see anything pop more than normal. So I`ve been topping it with Megs #21 and maintaining with UQD.

How do you tell id they bond and work together or not . The look actually is quite nice as the 21 hides some spider webbing and the look from the 21 almost is like the look of a carnuba more so than the 105/111/AW combo I was using before.

Just been experimenting and been comparing and going back to some Megs products to play with.

03-02-2008, 11:45 AM

I just finished my second coat of DG 105 and have been debating on what would be a good topper besides the AW. Does the 21 give it the extra pop and how is it`s durability?

Quess I will wait and see if someone else chimes in on the bonding issue............

03-02-2008, 12:04 PM
I don`t know how to tell bonding except to jsut wait and see how durability is. I`ve seen some things that are obviously incompatible (HGAS on Zaino is an example), and that can look really splotchy. I`ve also thought about 105 as an ideal base due to its excellent durability. I was leaning more toward a carnauba topper, though.

03-02-2008, 02:15 PM

I just finished my second coat of DG 105 and have been debating on what would be a good topper besides the AW. Does the 21 give it the extra pop and how is it`s durability?

Quess I will wait and see if someone else chimes in on the bonding issue............

The durability does not seen bad at all , I think 21 has good durability no matter what , my hood has the 105/21 on it the rest of the truck still has 105/111 in it . Jury is still out on the Xtra pop .

As far as a 105 topper I`ve been using the 111 pure sealant . It shines like a SOB . IMO 111 does not nearly get the recognition it deserves. Outstanding look and pretty good depth and durability.

03-02-2008, 02:33 PM
I`ve been using the DG 601/105/AW combo for the past few months on my black Audi A3. Durability is great, a lot longer than the 1z Hartglanz i was using. My only complaint is that i don`t get that `extra pop` with the DG so i topped it with Souveran Paste wax.

This way i get the durability of DG105 & extra pop of nuba. On regular washes, i use the AW every 4 weeks & maintain it with DG Fast Clean and Shine.

03-02-2008, 07:46 PM
The Souveran is a good idea as a topper . I`ve just not really used anything like that since it`s fricken snowing like every 3 days , so a nice shine and durability are the 1st defense now. When it snow the salt goes down on the roads just as fast...lol. At least I have a heated 2 1/2 car garage that I can detail in winter , it`s warm but sooooo much slop on the cars its unreal.