View Full Version : Anyone use Opti-bond Tire Gel yet???

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03-01-2008, 10:00 AM
I`m looking at ordering a gallon of it, but want to know if anyone has experience with it yet?? I`m using VRT right now and really like it, but I`m always up for trying something new.

Justin at ObsessiveDetail and Phil at Detailersdomain and both running real good deals on this stuff...

03-01-2008, 11:32 AM
i haven`t tried it yet because i have a gallon of meg`s HD i need to use up, but if you do get some make sure you get it from justin @ OD. great customer service

have you tried the new spray wax, yet?

03-01-2008, 12:06 PM
I believe Anthony Orosco and Ron (Dent`s and Details) both use it and say good things about it.

03-01-2008, 06:27 PM
Just started using it this week, looks really good. More of a glossy sheen than a reflective shine and seems to blacken the tire a bit which I like. Starts absorbing on contact and is dry to the touch in 5-10 minutes. I`ve only used it on a couple sets of Michelins so I`ll have to get back to you on others, but so far so good. I`m gonna get a air gun and try it the way Ron and Anthony use it (1:1 through the air gun). After doing the tires on my Altima and Landcruiser, the 8oz. sqeeze bottle that I use barely moved, so looks like it will be cost effective too.

Hope that helps,


03-01-2008, 07:19 PM
how does it compare with the previous OPT tire products?

03-01-2008, 09:04 PM
I believe Anthony Orosco and Ron (Dent`s and Details) both use it and say good things about it.

No disrespect to Anthony or Ron, but isn`t that a given that they`re going to say good things about it? That`s like asking Mike Phillips if a certain Meguiar`s product was bad and not worth purchasing. You already know what the answer is going to be.

In other words, while I don`t think these people`s opinions are worthless, you have to take it with a grain of salt. Personally, I prefer hearing it from unbiased sources.

03-01-2008, 09:09 PM
Excellent product. I like the way it makes the tires handsomely darker, blacker. It has a nice, balanced sheen and spreads well.

I`m using it with a sponge app as I have no air gun.

03-01-2008, 09:28 PM
No disrespect to Anthony or Ron, but isn`t that a given that they`re going to say good things about it? That`s like asking Mike Phillips if a certain Meguiar`s product was bad and not worth purchasing. You already know what the answer is going to be.

In other words, while I don`t think these people`s opinions are worthless, you have to take it with a grain of salt. Personally, I prefer hearing it from unbiased sources.

No, it isn`t a given and neither is soley an Optimum user. They are the only two I know of offhand who have used it so who else am I going to suggest?

Thomas Dekany
03-01-2008, 09:31 PM
No disrespect to Anthony or Ron, but isn`t that a given that they`re going to say good things about it? That`s like asking Mike Phillips if a certain Meguiar`s product was bad and not worth purchasing. You already know what the answer is going to be.

In other words, while I don`t think these people`s opinions are worthless, you have to take it with a grain of salt. Personally, I prefer hearing it from unbiased sources.

No disrespect to you, but why would Anthony or Ron say anything but good things about it?

If they are the beta testers and at one point the product is tweeked good enough to be sold, why would you assume that they wouldn`t like it? Didn`t they approve the last sample????

The final product may not be to your liking, but sure as hell it better be to Ron`s and Anthony`s.

After all they OKed the product!!!!:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :grrr :grrr :grrr

03-01-2008, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys. I ordered some.

Ron Harris
03-01-2008, 11:43 PM
This product is best sprayed from an air gun. You probably will find that applying it with an applicator will waste a lot of product.

You can pick up a cheep spray gun at Harbor Freight around $15.00

This is what I have used for the past year. One gallon will make two if you apply it this way.

Most of the testing for this product was done by some one else who I don`t know. I just know that it works great for me as well as saves me money!

03-02-2008, 12:59 AM
No disrespect to Anthony or Ron, but isn`t that a given that they`re going to say good things about it? That`s like asking Mike Phillips if a certain Meguiar`s product was bad and not worth purchasing. You already know what the answer is going to be.

In other words, while I don`t think these people`s opinions are worthless, you have to take it with a grain of salt. Personally, I prefer hearing it from unbiased sources.

I paid for my product and my opinion is above, the thread is about Opti-bond, not what you think of other peoples opinions. Do you have anything to add to the topic?

03-02-2008, 01:34 AM
I paid for my product and my opinion is above, the thread is about Opti-bond, not what you think of other peoples opinions. Do you have anything to add to the topic?

great, your UNBIASED opinion is much appreciated. That is why this is the #1 detailing website for enthusiasts and professionals.

My comment is that I don`t want newer, uninformed users to be misled or not fully disclosed about the recommendations from biased users. I`m an Optimum user and fan myself and have no doubt in my mind this product will perform what Optimum claims if it`s anything like the rest of their product line.

But saying "Anthony and Ron says good things about it" doesn`t tell me much. Of course they`re going to say it`s good! That`s already expected as they are biased. If I asked DavidB what polisher was better, his UDM or the new Meguiar`s G110a, of course he`s going to say his machine is better! Whether it`s true or not, no one is going to admit that their product is inferior to a competitor. That`s not how business works.

If I wanted propaganda/marketing, I could just go to the manufacturer`s website and read the product label/description and believe everything they tell me.

03-02-2008, 01:52 AM
great, your UNBIASED opinion is much appreciated. That is why this is the #1 detailing website for enthusiasts and professionals.

My comment is that I don`t want newer, uninformed users to be misled or not fully disclosed about the recommendations from biased users. I`m an Optimum user and fan myself and have no doubt in my mind this product will perform what Optimum claims if it`s anything like the rest of their product line.

But saying "Anthony and Ron says good things about it" doesn`t tell me much. Of course they`re going to say it`s good! That`s already expected as they are biased. If I asked DavidB what polisher was better, his UDM or the new Meguiar`s G110a, of course he`s going to say his machine is better! Whether it`s true or not, no one is going to admit that their product is inferior to a competitor. That`s not how business works.

If I wanted propaganda/marketing, I could just go to the manufacturer`s website and read the product label/description and believe everything they tell me.

Scottwax recommended a source of further information for Opti-bond because he didn`t have first hand info. He was being helpful to the poster. You do not trust his advice (on this matter) and have every right to not seek out Anthony or Ron, but you are making yourself look like a bad source of advice by making the thread about you instead of the product. I think you should offer an opinion about Opti-bond or remain silent. We can ask the moderators to help you stay on topic if you like. I say this as tactfully as I can: Please! be helpful or be quiet.



03-02-2008, 01:56 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys. I ordered some.

you`re welcome, I hope you like it!:hifive: