View Full Version : What would you use?

02-24-2008, 04:37 PM
Just picked up a 2008 White Corvette that was built on 12/12/07. I`ve read and search this site for months and I`m still not sure in what direction I want to go.

From the start do I:

Use Rejex?


Use NXT 2.0

Use Z***

The car will be a garage queen, I have time to keep it nice but don`t want to repeat things if not needed. I`m also thinking about short and long term appearance.

Any advise and a short reason for your answer would be greatly appreciated!

02-25-2008, 01:07 AM
Welcome. If you`ve read for a few months then you know that everyone had their own opinions on best products.

Being white and hopefully not too marred up you could start with this simple regime.

Learn how to wash a car properly, clay and seal with any of the products you have read about. Zaino is one of the best, but is expensive if you start buying the whole system, not needed though.

Duragloss is also very good.

02-25-2008, 07:44 AM
You just have to try different products until you find the right one that looks good with your car. I would try the NXT 2.0 version since it`s at your local store just to get your feet wet. You don`t want to start getting addicted to buying wax or sealants online. HAHA. Just kidding.

I agree.. the most important thing you`ll need to learn first is proper technique to wash your car.
