View Full Version : 1Z Glanz Wax Initial Thoughs

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02-19-2008, 09:26 PM
With yesterdays `out of season` weather, 60s in the middle of February, I had a chance to give my car a nice mini detail. My car was long due for it since the last time I washed and waxed it was mid December, and I only used Poli-Seal which was on it`s last leg.

Once I washed my car I pulled it in my garage since we had scattered showers throughout the day. My paint has been a complete mess, and I know it`s going to get more messed up so I opted to just use Optimum Polish on a white polishing pad with my PC. It cleaned it up the paint somewhat, the paint definitely needs more correction, but as I said I didn`t want to spend extra time since it sits outside 24/7 and we aren`t finished with winter just yet.

So after OP I decided to try my new 1Z Glanz Wax. Once opening it the scent is an extremely strong chemical smell. I had to open all my windows in the garage, as well as the door to ensure I didn`t pass it out midway.

Application was by far the easiest I`ve ever since with any wax/sealant/spray wax/WAUD/etc. to date. It just glided on the paint and was very, very liquidly, which I did expect. It says to wait for it to haze, so I did half my hood, waited a couple minutes, then did my fender, waited, and it still wasn`t hazed up yet. I was thinking maybe it was the moisture or humidity, or something so I said lemme just do the rest of the car since it applied so easily. Well maybe after 5 minutes finishing up my car, most of my car on the other side was white. Removal was extremely hard, and I had my friend wiping it down to, just so it won`t be too bad. Removal was as hard as it gets for me comparing it to other stuff I used. I`m hoping it was just because I waited too long to remove the residue, but we`ll see. I`m still finding spots that I missed in different lighting. :mad:

Initially the shine looks good. Honestly though it`s hard to tell under weak fluorescent lights in my garage. Everything looks amazing in there. Today It looked decent, didn`t have a different look which I was hoping for, but oh well. I did notice stained trim, which I guess is due to my fatigue and negligence while applying it, but still a concern. Slickness was nowhere near EX-P, #21 or even a simple S+W. This was based on initial application, as well as 24 hours after application.

Summing it up I guess time will tell with this sealant for me. If durability is nice, and removal goes better next time, I think I`ll stick with it. I did have to exert a decent amount of force to remove the residue, which I think in turn creating more marring on my paint, which I`m not happy with.

As of now I`m on the fence with it, but I will be using it more in the spring to help me form a better opinion. I was hoping this would take the place of my EX-P(bad staining) or #21(poor durability), but I dunno yet. :nixweiss

a.k.a. Patrick
02-19-2008, 09:31 PM
Wow, my exact opposite findings. I find Glanz extremely easy to apply and remove with no nauseating fumes......Always leaves a very very slick and glossy appearance with no dust attraction.

I really find your evaluation puzzling.......:nixweiss :help:

What did you apply with?

02-19-2008, 09:34 PM
Wow, my exact opposite findings. I find Glanz extremely easy to apply and remove with no nauseating fumes......Always leaves a very very slick and glossy appearance with no dust attraction.

I really find your evaluation puzzling.......:nixweiss :help:

What did you apply with?

I used a yellow foam applicator pad. Are your experiences with the older or newer formula? I believe I ordered the `new` formula from AG, but I don`t see any distinguishable difference between the label on my tin and the older tins.

02-19-2008, 11:28 PM
Just a guess, but you might have been using too much product. When I apply Glanz, I use either the PC or Flex and a red pad to to put it on. I`ll ususally do a few nickel size drops when starting out to get the pad started, then gear down to about 1 nickel size drop per panel. Run the DA on a slower speed and work it til it looks like it`s nice and thin on the panel. Let it haze up and wipe off. I will say that I`ve found Menzerna FMJ to be easier to remove than Glanz, but not by that much. My dad was putting some Glanz down on his cars and was getting streaking from using too much product.

02-20-2008, 12:00 AM
Johnny you are leaving it on way to long I have talk with Mike at 1Z he said to do like half a hood or a door and wipe it off before it comes to a haze. Give him a call at 1-888-719-4698 EX#704 . He help me out a lot on how to use the wax and glanz. Tell him" Page" ask you to call. He loves to hear from every one that uses 1Z.

02-20-2008, 12:03 AM
Concur with Patrick. Glanz is sweet!

Not the best of pictures, but here it is applied to a Pearl White LX-470



Here`s what the paint looked like before polishing and Glanz


02-20-2008, 12:40 AM
Sounds like you used too much product. Normally I use one "splash" (i.e.: I put my pad over the opening of the can and quickly tilt the can, similar to the way you would apply alcohol to a cotton ball) per panel. I apply to the whole car then remove. I use a two step process to remove the product one pass to remove about 85% then follow-up for a final buff.

02-20-2008, 12:44 AM
i liked glanz. real easy to apply and remove. I put a coat of ez on it to add some depth.

02-20-2008, 12:44 AM
The can that I have implies that one should be on the liberal side with application. I`ll have to give this stuff a try as I`ve been considering pawning it off along with the polishes.

02-20-2008, 07:36 AM
Maybe Grouse will comment on this, if my feeble memory serves me right, I think he`s using 1Z Glanz on all his details.

02-20-2008, 09:51 AM
Just wanted to add my .02.

Glanz is by far the product that does more with less. I had the same experience my first time using the product. You need `soooo` little for a panel. I use the cutton ball method described above, and honestly, that is enough to do a fender, maybe two cutton ball methods for the hood of my audi. (midsize car so it`s a big panel) however, that is it.

When it goes on, it should go on almost if not entirely clear. (even though it is pink in color) so little does so much.

I have half a can, and I have been using it for a year, and giving it away to people who want to try it. It`s amazing how long this stuff `lasts`.

Also, removal when applied so thinly is very easy, it hazes WAYY faster, and in 30 seconds you are ready to `buff off excess`. When it is applied to thick, the haze doesn`t happen and it takes longer to see it, hence the excess product is very very difficult to remove. (trust me, I know your pain on that one) with practice, you will be all set.


02-20-2008, 09:57 AM
Thanks for all the feedback.

I felt I applied pretty liberal though, doing similiar to the `cotton ball` technique with just dab the applicator. I read before you need to wipe it off quickly, but I was waiting for it to haze, I didn`t think your suppose to wipe it off wet? I`m still wondering what version I got since mine had a harsh chemical smell and was clear; and from what I understand the newer one has a better scent and is pink in color.

I`ll be giving Mike a call later today, and see what he has to say.

02-20-2008, 10:01 AM

Did you apply using hands or a machine? I used PC with blue pad to apply it this weekend and had no problem.


02-20-2008, 10:14 AM
GW looks good, but has poor durability in my uses.

02-20-2008, 10:28 AM
If you have a `clear` version. That is the old forumula. The can should be a nice deep sky blue and be a pink-ish viscouse fluid. (sort-of like a strawberry milkshake that has been watered down a tad)

If it is clear, I would get in touch with your vendor for the `newer version` since I purchased mine in July of 07` and it was the newer version.

Also, durability is 4+ months. on horizontal surfaces, and about 5-6 weeks on the fendor portions behind the wheels. (the bits that get hit with a lot of tire `kick up` and splashing)