View Full Version : Question on removing painted on pin stripes

02-19-2008, 03:48 PM
To remove painted on pin stripes I plan to use a little paint thinner and 2000 grit sandpaper. Anyone ever removed painted pinstripes? Have any ideas besides mine?

02-19-2008, 03:55 PM
Do you know if it is just on top of the clear like a 1-Shot Enamel or is it under the Clear?

David Fermani
02-19-2008, 04:27 PM
I wouldn`t use anything close to 2000 grit! You`ll get the stripes off, and alot of unnecessay clear. 1st try a heavy solvent like laquer thinner. If that doesn`t work, try HEAVY DUTY EASY OFF OVEN CLEANER. I recommended this to several people here and it`s worked great. I`ve also used the same product on semi trucks where the whole side was painted. IT works and don`t remove the factory paint. You can`t beat it. Let me know if you need to know how to use it.

Setec Astronomy
02-19-2008, 05:29 PM
About 25 years ago I tried to sand a wide stripe off the doors of a used police car my friend bought. Um...he wound up getting it repainted. So I would not recommend the sanding method.

02-19-2008, 06:08 PM
thanks! I`ll try the oven cleaner.

Joseph K
02-19-2008, 07:46 PM
3M Adhesive Remover and your fingernails or an easier option would be to go by a body shop supplies place and get an eraser wheel (to put on a drill). It will take them right off and not harm your paint.

02-19-2008, 08:19 PM
3M Adhesive Remover and your fingernails or an easier option would be to go by a body shop supplies place and get an eraser wheel (to put on a drill). It will take them right off and not harm your paint.

These are painted on, not vinyl.

Joseph K
02-19-2008, 09:57 PM
Ohhhhhh.... if it has cc sprayed over, I wouldn`t mess with it. If not, and you`re willing to take a chance, wetsand with some REALLY fine stuff and buff out the marks...

03-13-2008, 12:50 PM
Okay guys, I`m new to all this, but I can tell you first hand, I just removed the painted pins from my recently purchased 05 Benz C240 using the Easy Off cleaner and Q-tips, and it worked beautifully. Not a sign of the pins left behind, and the clear looks factory perfect. No kidding!!